After five weeks of travel from the East Coast to the West and back again, meeting many people and being a lovely conferences, thankfully with no sign of COVID-19 and most of the time on my own, I wanted to share a few resources. One coming to mind is an Instagram account called intheback40 which has great nature photography. I met the fellow behind that amazing endeavor and will share more.

Gregg Braden who has his own site and who I got to see in AZ is offering great things on Humanity’s Team online with special offers Today (3/14/20.) Lots more I could add but will mention who has a free talk online that is very inspiring. She wrote books I hope to thumb through and study.

Then there are folks such as Joe Dispenza, and even (that last is more about permaculture training which would be a big plus for more folks to learn about and enjoy small scale, such as with my post on The Turtle Garden Permaculture Game and Turtle Garden Circle of Friends…)

Okay more to come such as talking up, and Jenn McLean and many others who are in that healing-feeling-dealing with life with an eye toward the inner locus of control (of thoughts, feelings and connecting with others in positive healing ways…) Focus on what we Do Want and not so much on the “Non-preferred” like ordering off the big menu of Life (which has that big work “IF” in the middle.

This approach is not one of denial but of facing a trial (whether internal, relational, societal, legal, financial, artistic) with a sense of the dynamic duo (divine masculine and divine feminine in terms of the kind of approach and consciousness, feeling and actions and creative responses we bring to any situation, challenge, learning opportunities, step in our evolution and ascension.)

See what Terah Cox is offering in terms of courses on line, including a year long program on the 72 Angels she has other info on as well. Then there’s Riding the Wave of Change by Eve Wilsdon, an author and blogger… Okay time to tune into a FB live group with friends in a women’sĀ  circle..and at 5pm one with Hakeem Jeffries of NY online about COVID updates. Good to look through many healing ideas and get one’s life in order a little at a time with a lot of support on many levels…

I’m rooting for you and as many trees (aspens and others) our underground nurturing the roots kind of network can be working wonders as well…people connected to you in social and other circles being positive can help you have a better system and life. The trees help us too so feel free to give them a hug along the way, in person or’s all good.

Peace, love and light and blessings from love from above as well… we’re on this journey Together! Likely this worldwide challenge will highlight how that work Energetically even if we can’t see as many people in person or if many transition into illness or to the next realm on this wave.

When losing a sense of control we may try to micromanage…yet we know overall there will be a ‘check out date’ or graduation from earth date for each of us…and spiritually and energetically we may very well continue on (Gregg Braden and others are saying their may be a way to ‘download our personalities and such and plug that into another form…robotic or human I’m not sure which…and well, the realm of 5G likely will be playing out with people’s health in unpredictable ways as well…some good some not so good…

We likely are all going to want to get a lot smarter or more open-hearted about our experiences sooner rather than later…) Best to all to enjoy each hour of every day with healing in mind and steps in that direction. HugEnergy to All in that mode!