Who knew there was such a thing as a ‘sound healing for microbes’ offered by ChristineLaria.com? Actually I heard of it and then Met her in Hawaii and had a group sound session that was really amazing! She’s uber talented with the singing bowls (which are lovely and have their own engaging qualities even when not played…just calming and some say ‘energized’ beyond what most might consider possible….they have gems (emerald, quartz, and other good guys like that) spun into the glass…)

Add the human voice with healing vibes and intuition…and whoknowswhatexactly but it truly is something worth experiencing once and actually a lot more.

The good news there is she lets people download it for the easydoesprice of Free! That would be a great reason to share with more in one’s community…to help stave off any kind of microbe imbalance. Listening more (and she has recommendations) has the desired effect…Keep the volume fairly low because she has her own set of pipes that fill the air…I’ve been in a few groups with chanting and with people who can sing their hearts out…some of them are on stage with microphones.

.Christine is not using any amplification as far as I know (and yes, I she really rocked the room I was in with a few others so we know first hand…this woman has a gift.) She actually sells the bowls and assures people ‘anyone can do this’…and learn to tune into their own guidance…

Likely she will have quite a spike in business since ‘we’re all ears for solutions…especially if our ears can be Part of the solution we are looking for.’ Okay stay tuned in …and in tune! HugEnergy with Lovely Sounds Wafting about (which were playing as I wrote this actually…) Sign up at ChristineLaria.com..and Enjoy!