Hello to All on 3/21/20 with a special panel on the WellSet Company site..I will try to share the link in another post…when I just did I lost this one..but Thankfully a Vassar friend told me on our FB page a while ago that pressing Control Z could bring back a prior screen!

After a couple of tries It Worked. Something Else I had copied before copying the link to the talk had Replaced this post… so getting this back is The Big Win of the AM for me and all of you who appreciate what I’m doing. Much of this post summarizes some of an inspiring talk, since time is of the essence and we all want to know everything NOW!

Let’s think about how many things in our life we would like to have a reset with…a rewind and fresh start with… and basically press Control Z and imagine the good ol’ times and ways to replay this last few weeks with a More Positive Messaging since We Get More of What We Think Of (good, bad or otherwise…so we could be wiser but also pretend we’ve been out biking, hiking, having great times With Friends in Person and pretty much make up a Great Past Week so our bodies get the benefit!

This cool idea is hatching out as I type so who knows where it’s coming from..angels on high, loved ones in spirit or from prior life experience whispering into my heart? Check out HeartMath Experience on Gaia.com by the way. The investment is worth it for a month..then do it for year for a discount…

Yet Humanity’sTeam is opening up free archives and lots more, and accepting donations as is Anik Segal from LURN  online. They are giving 30K out to help with basic food and such and are collecting funds. In NYC  there is Invisible Hands doing good work organizing volunteers to shop and to spread the love…

So here we are  (my original post now, hurrah! And by the way a teaspoon of raisins especially chewed one at a time with focus for added benefit are a good source of iron, but brush your teeth and floss too, gently with the J stroke down each side of the tooth and not harshly on the gum which can injure that. Mouthwash such as ACT can help prevent gum decline as can using only soft toothbrushes…

Likely you knew all that but just in case..and do all dental care and flossing at the bathroom sink and wash hands for good hygiene and to be polite a friend wants me to mention too) in the new land of #CO19GOWL, COVID19 Game On With Love (my phrase, and yes feel free to use it for yourself and others to keep our focus on the greater ‘crown chakra’ tuning of connecting with higher values…and one person on this talk shared that corona does mean crown. I heard it also means spike and reflects the spike on the virus….) The idea that using aromatherapy to highlight the olfactory cranial connection.

So using rosemary, or other nice smells. Unfortunately the way the virus can enter through the sense of smell. Being outdoors is good for the immune system, helping the vagus nervous system. Don’t destabilize with anxiety since that can hurt ourselves and others. We need to synchronize our energy and effort not sink with the challenge. Music, good routines and willingness to listen to one another for reasonable times and topics (5 minutes or more as one really feels is workable, and again about topics one is open to hearing about, not necessarily agreeing with or having to understand fully.)

Using meditation (20 minutes IGA (good stuff for immunity) goes up, heart beat normalizes, and more good outcomes can keep stress at bay. Stress is caused in part from ‘pushing back against what is’ and the system is out of balance hormonally and with anxious thoughts etc. Care more than fear when there is an assumed worry (not based in the present safety concerns but anticipating too heavily What IF scenarios…). These points are in the first half hour of the talk I heard on WellSet.co.

Other good talks and resources are on HumanitysTeam.org Ryan Levesque offers talks about growing meaningful businesses with his ASK Method which would be great if more people could take perhaps with people collaborating. That’s my idea and hope so let me know if you want to explore that. I also will let people know I appreciate donations to support my blogging efforts that I’ve done for many years in my northwest corner CT area and in Brooklyn NY to bring more first person honest sharing to the internet when much is hard to find and keep track of otherwise.

Donations are welcome to paypal.me/CathPalmPaton and likely more people could benefit from setting up such accounts and letting people what they need help for. My paid work varies and mainly has involved caring for people directly as a parent for 18 years, a caregiver for other people’s children, for elderly and the disabled among many community groups and outreaches, folk music and recreational events, physical education and soccer coaching as well as being a recreation director at a pool setting (and implementing ways for people to not over expose themselves to heat as well as to have two lifeguards on duty since one had to dive to save two youth when alone once.

A hero in our books many decades later. Also our own teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton drowned trying to save his friends in 2009. There are many key lessons to consider about monitoring youths closely (much like everyone is doing on some level about preventing viruses, harm or being proactive for health, safety and wellness and even connection socially even though not physically.) I will spell more out soon but would start with some other posts (Crafting Clear Safety PLANS–People Living, Learning and Loving with Agreements, Networking and Socializing and Sharing info and care)

Okay so stay tuned and make calls to many loved ones and appreciate that talking works the lungs and mind in more ways than texting or emailing…Best of everything to everybuddy… Pause for opportunities to connect and show the Big Love… We’re Doing this and doing it right…#CO19GOWL!