Among the many responses to ‘What to Do about The #CO19GOWL! (Covid-19 Game on With Love!, my term) I have heard of online efforts with meditation for free with Deepak and Oprah (through the Chopra center..and now I am seeing how his last name echoes her first..kind of brings it full circle, the masculine and feminine energies, people who are caring and creative and of different ethnicities…representing healing bridges…)
So that is online for a 21 day meditation, relaxing and tuning in process.
Sunday, March 29th, 2020 is a day of ‘prayer and fasting’ worldwide with some faith groups, among them the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Here is part of a discussion I was sharing on FB, after encouraging people to consider the invitation to join in whether fully or in part as works for them.
The response was the healing and insights of answered prayer comes ‘after the experience of fasting and praying’ for the day.
I will see if there was a specific time or number of hours recommended and specific prayers, but basically there is a lot online I’m sure for that as well as many aspects of caring for one’s family physically, socially, emotionally, spiritually and more on many faith sites and likely good ideas to use for personal or wider uses of organizing and encouraging people to stay positive even while acknowledging challenges and sorrows in feelings, thoughts, social or other concerns.
Here’s to everyone leaning in with love and care for themselves and all in their families (whether together or apart and over the generations) and friends, neighbors and wider communities.
This kind of heart and mind healing can be helped by regular rest and kind thoughts and connection to the greater good and if one is up for considering it, the divine or unseen healing forces in our realms..
Here is more of a response I shared on FB about the ideas of fasting and praying and keeping informed about good health practices in general and reviewing such matters with one’s physician and research and with accountability of others knowing one’s plans (lest one pass out and no one is there to give help…rare but possible…)
Thanks for sharing,friend..It’s something I hope everyone will ‘feel their way into’ as a real option…and for some that may mean ‘easing into it’ rather than ‘flipping a switch…”
As you know we grew up with books like ‘Fasting Can Save Your Life’ and the teaching that Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert (no desserts or perks like today before or after…) People in Christian, Muslim or other religions likely have heard of ‘prayer and fasting’ but for many it’s a new concept and sounds more of a deprivation than a healing process. Even for health needs, the idea may seem ‘a longshot’ or too much work.
That said likely all fasting should be reviewed with one’s healthcare practitioner particularly if one has metabolism issues (concerning sugar levels, especially low blood sugar for instance, pregnant or other such concerns..
.Also one’s mental health is important and so again could be considered, as well as one’s activity level…not doing too much with no fuel etc.) Just sharing to sketch out details and keep the discussion going since there likely will be a lot of ‘intermittent fasting’ (between meals, less snacking, one main meal and smaller others or only two meals etc talked about to make it through coming weeks and months now or in the future when immediate needs for people may merit such attention.)
I think there could be more support for people to have ‘nutritious reasonable meal plans and affordable access to supplies as part of the relief package…the info and a community resource such as through the states, towns and faith groups (and other non-profits) to satisfy basic needs… We hardly discuss such possibilities which likely would curtail hunger and help people in their lives in general not just during times of crisis.
Our SAD, Standard American Diet and mainly high sugar, processed foods are keeping many from getting nutrients even if they get enough calories… so of course even on a practical level helping children and adults learn about nutrition and not getting addicted to sugar and high fat food would be a plus…and not smoking or drinking alcohol at all (or until after age 25 in limited amounts on special occasions if that’s none is too much of switch…)
Healthy living is a great way to enjoy life and tune into one’s feelings and healthy relationships… so a lot of ‘wins’ there…Having gratitude and appreciation for the gift of life is a big win too and often that gets lost in the daily shuffle.
.Every religion and people without much of a formal belief in the spiritual side of life need to get along and ‘go easy on one another’ to keep the peace for all to exist…so more discussion and interfaith groups could help create that kind of mutual respect…