Here’s one of many talks online to help people tune into the gifts of being human..
Most say ‘everybody has all the capacities, and some develop them more along the way in one area or another…’
As we learn to tune into our own experience, with the ‘inside info as it were’..our life experiences, connections with family, friends, communities over time (teachers in school, other relatives and parents and people who helped nurture us in the first decade or two of life..and then some…)
Well, we have a lot to be grateful for in the human and divine realm, with nature and the support of our physiological needs for food and more… Gratitude as an attitude and open more doors and opportunities for healing on all levels, being restored and given hope to help spur new dreams and connections.
Check out what Maureen St. Germain is offering online for Oct 1st, 2020 at 4:30 pm (A Youthing Ceremony….sounds like Sarah-Money… nurturing healing and properity…like divine feminine resonance connection that Ali Storm speaks of in Project One..She offers Container sessions on zoom for a small donation
The guided book by Ali Storm callled Project One (which speaks about the oneness of humanity so you can imagine I was thrilled to hear that number!) did well on and many speak about a healing wave in humanity at this time with great future vibes…yet this is the time of transitioning and transformation…
See what offers…and that is a bit ‘Out of this world’ as are quire a few thinkers info.. There’s also Eve Wilsom as with a great blog and book Riding The Wave of Change.
I hope to review that and the others more… but like paddling whitewater, one stroke at a time and being clear of which direction one is headed in is key and helpful to do with a team effort. Kudos to all living their dreams (and monitoring their screams… though tuning into what is not feeling or going well in their life or world…
Using that indicator light to check on things further really helps one explore the root meanings of beliefs and past patterns in a gentle way to gain insight and show compassion for oneself and understanding for all on the journey, as though in a play…with the spiritual lessons and victory of being indestructible even through breaks in social ties or interactions (whether by choice, force, life circumstances, out of protection and avoidance of harm or infection or risk of danger… )
All of these could be mapped out and ‘coded’ to help people realize so many Unspeakable Things have been experienced on many levels by humanity…and we can name them to tame them, as well as to prevent the spiral of events and patterns that often factor into them happening over time whether once or repeatedly among strangers or people who know each other or live near or with one another or even are related to each other
. Life can be a long experience of energies interacting, especially in workplaces, colleges or schools, organizations and oh yes, communities (especially small towns, one or a few near each other,) neighborhoods and more such as faith groups and other kinds of civic or social settings. Not to put everything under a microscopic to be taking the fun out of life, but as we all become more mindful and aware we won’t be prone to ‘blaming and shaming others’ when a conflict or even accident or trauma occurs.
Some people may need to be held accountable, and the realm of ‘youth and adults’ particularly the parents and teachers and administrators as well as rescue workers and leaders in a community have to have great clarity (as in things spelled out online and even acted out with some awareness of how things can become tricky one way or another, over time or in the span of a few days, hours or minutes, whether people know each other or not.)
Since parents are legally liable for their own children (and possibly others in their care or at their home or using their car etc), youth have to realize there is a need to get clear on boundaries and legal responsibilities. \
Not all risky or criminal ventures or transgressions will be covered by parents however. Youth may get arrested or even imprisoned for some things…and everyone would do well to know what those are Before the age of 10 and certainly before driving a car or even riding in one with a young or inexperienced driver.
These are just practical things that some states have taken extra measures to think through and others haven’t. When something harmful or diffcult does happen there could be community teams at the ready to counsel and support all people in their next steps.
Likely lawyers would be needed, but a community lawyer could perhaps be on tap to inform and guide everyone on some basics. Voluntary care and parenting plans could be in place for each state to promote and for people in each town to access, using some standard guidelines that are informed by the ‘basic compliance with legal standards’ yet also could offer an upgrade of preventive strategies.
That may include curfews such as corresponding to the grade level of a youth up to being in 8th grade as 8pm, for 9th graders 9pm, for 10th graders 10 pm. and for 11th and 12th graders 11pm.
Midnight could be for those who have reached age 18 and up and ideally would be the norm for adults in general to get home and get to sleep by 1pm as a norm. It’s healthiest to get to sleep before 10 pm and to sleep soundly to 1pm (from 11p-1pm is called Zi Time..and see for more about how to ‘wind down’ before bed and even to wake up slowly…about 16 min on either side and it’s not easy to do in terms of ‘really plan and do some tapping on one’s heart and then solar plexus then lower back /sacral area) standing up then sitting down then lying down to ‘power down’ at night for 3 min in each stance after slowly walking and doing that too…
Then for waking up…doing all of that in reverse from lying down to sitting up to standing then walking slowly.
One cool thing to do though is to set an intention before going to sleep with eyes closed..and before waking up (so with eyes closed) for peace and harmony in oneself and with others.. He has a chant he’s shared far and wide as well as one for in the AM…”The Divine Creates and Fulfills a New Day for Me.” (saying that 4x with eyes closed… then tapping away as you may have time to to ‘call one’s soul back’ and get powered up for the day…and it’s fine to use the aspect of the divine that works for one…the ‘G-d of one’s understanding’…. So hope that’s not breaching the sense of what can be shared..
He’s one of hundreds of amazing folks online I’ve listened to and some of whom I’ve seen give talks or have been in group programs with online or in person (since New Life Expo had dozens over the years and they have many recordings.’)
My hope is to see more colleges and regular public schools and towns explore where the mystical meets the practical and the many ways everyday living, caring for oneself and others, connecting online or in person, studying, working, driving and otherwise getting things done (shopping, gardening, cooking and cleaning, laundry and organizing, paying bills and earning or receiving funds and in kind services) could all be mapped out for everyone’s benefit.
There is a population increase expected and even Considering Death and Dying as part of a natural cycle or aspect of being human could be explored to help everyone feel ‘okay’ about how life is going and aware that if one does have a serious illness or passes that is not a failure on anyone’s part as a spiritual being (not to say there won’t be consequences for a spirit that is harming themselves or others intentionally when they are aware of choices and so on…
Not to get too heavy into the metaphysical side of life but to differentiate the spiritual from the physical and even social realms…) When we are asleep it’s like we are all infants again..just able to keep up with one day then needing a complete recharge. Some say our spirits may take a hike at night, wanting to ‘get out of the car and stretch our legs and not worry about human matters’.
Then we have to hop back in the driver’s seat upon awakening (and that’s where Dr. Sha says it helps the spirit remember what’s what with that intention that one is working with the divine and guided as such. Also the physical organs of the body get replenished by the planets as the body is sleeping, so we really are getting a reboot.
There is guidance too to sleep on one’s side–left side preferred for ease of circulation to the heart especially for a pregnant woman (maybe from another program,) tucking one’s right thumb in one’s curled fingers and placing that right fist below one’s navel.
The left hand can be held up along the temple area like a pillow for one’s head with the left thumb (nice they each have a starring role) hooked under one’s left ear. A pillow to support the right knee raised slightly above the bent left knee is ideal to keep the hips in alignment and allow for the back to rest, possibly with another pillow there for support. If caring for an elderly person this can all be helpful..but lying on one’s back puts more pressure on the lungs, so better to be a bit on one’s front or as described on one’s side.
Now all That said, getting some basic annual physical (if not an extra A1C test if at risk for pre-diabetes or elevated blood sugar or glucose levels) is important. Check blood pressure with regular home monitoring as well, and explore what makes for a healthy diet.The book The Diabetes Miracle by Diane Kress offers a way to really address root causes of imbalance early on but not eating carbs for four days…this is my 4th day of doing that (which I think I did right but am not 100% sure so will read through again..but I think it’s helping!) If one is on Medicaid it’s hard to get an A1C test paid for so at least home blood glucose monitoring should be used with basic numbers of under 100 for fasting blood sugar level as important for ‘normal…and closer to 80-90 is better still) From 101-125 is a prediabetic range and over 126 is indicative of diabetes for a fasting blood sugar.
The overall message is people have to be their own advocates for healthcare early on and often (same for dental and even mental health care.. Although if one is prescribed medication if given a diagnosis and doesn’t take it that can land one as labelled ‘non-compliant’ and can be a problem in various scenarios, so stay tuned in to all of That..what’s said and what Isn’t Said!)
Some risk factors discussed in literature and online for being at risk for pre-diabetes (or insulin resistance which is the name of the condition linked to the cause but actually means there may mean the pancreas is producing too much insulin –who knew?) include being genetic history (so parents or siblings having the condition), being overweight, over 45, if a mom–having had gestational diabetes or a baby weighing over 9 lbs at birth.
One should have the fasting blood glucose level done and the A1 C with measures the average level of the past few months. Much can be controlled with proper diet and exercise. One needs to learn a lot (as I am doing now through online classes and regular books and have done some of this for decades but it’s easy to be in denial and coast along hoping something will just shift back to the good ol’ days without having to prioritize and take everything day by day, meal by meal. Exercise can impact blood sugar (lowers it) and not eating (such as after sleeping) raises it! After not eating for five hours, the liver dumps some glycogen into the blood and that’s another form of sugar.
Okay that’s as far as I recall from recent studies. Don’t take this as medical advice or coaching. I am sharing what I’ve heard at talks and as my experience and what I’m exploring. I’ll let you know as I get more versed in things and if I can help more folks in a working or volunteering capacity. The doctors apparently are not educated about these pre-indicators and therefore are not qualified to share info along these lines…or something like that! Dr. Ritamarie Losclazo has broken the silence barried on many topics and has extensive offerings.
I have the IRSPT –Insulin Resistance Solution Practitioner Training program– and would love support learning it (and welcome donations to offset my 1K investment which I am did not only for me but for all of America and the whole world which is ‘sinking knee deep in diabetes and poor eating and self-care habits that are factoring into younger people, even kids and disproportionately people of color, being plagued with these illnesses. Donations using or comments can be sent to be at
Many thanks in advance. I have helped many for years with this blog and letters to the newspaper all on my own nickel. I really appreciate supportive comments, guidance and funds, which mainly have come through family and a few friends as well as my own earnings caring for others, often at a reduced rate.
That I’ve learned is a way to help people and realize it’s important to plan better in advance so at not to be in bind when needing help. They were able to get some help from a but even that ideally could have been set up as a loan program that could have been repaid since the funds were there but tied up (in real estate for instance.) Just sharing to help people look at information on and such sites to realize years are often needed to get each person ‘on board’ with helpful Options and then to make some plan that can then be tweaked or changed as needed, but before age 55 is ideal to have plans for age 60 (which I’ll be in a few years, so pretty much on target for tuning in in a tmeily manner and yes, training to help many as an End of Life Doula, Advance Care Educator, Speaker in Small Groups or Online, Consultant and Caregiver and more… stay tuned!)
That is likely why many black people were dying of COVID19 too if they had these underlying health challenges. Hopefully we can all step into the game of sharing helpful tips and info but not diagnosing or prescribing meds and so on.
Just get everyone to be their own best friend and advocate and curious about how their bodily systems and even life stress (from work, relationships, worry and so on) impact their biology and well-being. Basically stress can raise cortisol levels and the increases blood sugar. So there’s quite a math/science/ social equation going on in our bio-chem-psych lab bodies. We can learn to breathe deeply and relax with out hand on our hearts (palm and fingers open)…and that’s explained more in HeartMath Experience and on
Then one last tip for when walking or running for more efficiency if not speed… tuck that left thumb in one’s left hand and pump the arm along in a swinging motion…that can motor one’s train (and caboose) right along… walk talk as in stand up straight with shoulders back and chin lifed to breathe deeply too, ideally through one’s nose (not to be nosy but a respiratory therapist shared it’s ideal for our blood oxygen to be breathing in and out of one’s nose..with one’s mouth shut..which I’ve been doing mainly since I’m lying down typing this out…)
That can keep one’s body from getting too much CO2 from shallow mouth breathing, which can be another malady among the elderly who may be sitting a lot or those who are ill. Buteyko Breathing Method is what that’s about…and so even talking too much (who knew there were such a thing) can raise blood pressure and also contribute to sticky blood.)
Well here’s to more meditating alone or in good company, listening and sharing in writing and with ‘watchful words…’ (doesn’t hurt to think and slow down to avoid using filler words like, um, ya know what I’m kind of talking about, sort of right? Thanks for tuning in as you can to these ideas over time..
.It’s to help more people catch the vibe and fan the flame of lovingkindness, care and capability (not shame and blame, ignoring what we can do for those younger or otherwise not as empowered socially or educationally as others. All skills and types of help and care are needed…and that starts and returns always to what emanated from the heart and higher realms with love from above.) Peace, healing, help and handy ideas and inspirations to one and all… Have a ball and Happy Trails through the rest of 2020 and this decade and beyond!