Here is an important extra resource to review while thinking ‘All things Corona”… the basics of Going Outdoors needs to keep in mind the possibility of ticks, iddy biddy bugs than may carry a big risk if someone is bit and infected by a few kinds of bacteria many ticks carry which may lead to a disease such as Lyme Disease. See this site for more info
As for Corona Virus Disease of 2019 which is what COVID-19 stands for, look up more info online not only from but the New York Times which has disclosed many warnings went unheeded. Consider alternative healers views as well, such as TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbs, and folks like
Ironically I was out in Arizona and was grateful to get to his live event with hundreds of people in Sedona at the lovely Hilton at Bell Rock. I love making connections with people and healing, helpful ideas. Yet now I have heard that some of the cases may have come from the West Coast of the US as well as from Europe into good ol’ NYC, with the airports and travellers mixing as they colorfully due in the course of ‘living life fully on the go.’ I also went to a lovely dinner with a couple hundred people honoring the Volunteer of Farmington NM, as a guest of someone I got to know through a senior center which also served a couple hundred people weekly with sit-down casual luncheons.
I valued each contact I made and felt I was doing my own “On The Road with Charles Kurault” program or repeating my two month cross country drive and travel with a friend 35 years ago to enrich my Vassar College educational and social experience in the early 1980s. We stayed with family, friends and at many of the scenic national parks starting in the East and getting all the way over the Golden Gate Bridge (only to be told that we couldn’t sleep in the car for the night even though it was late, so there’s one tip for the next set of travellers…)
Former firefighter and rescue person Caroline Paul, a friend from my hillbilly area of CT went on to help people stay safe with her book Fighting Fire and keeping people from harm on the Golden Gate. Maybe she has encouraging words for us at this time as well, having faced more challenges than most by choice and thankfully always coming out on top, earthquakes and all!
What if I could rewind the tape of my February and March travels to Hawaii and the Southwest? What if I could opt Out of the whole trip or parts ot it such as being with larger groups of people (including the awesome Phoenix Zoo in AZ just before leaving) and events with the new info about CV19 risk? Would I have Changed My Plans?
I did learn that has hundreds of talks and programs on its site affordably for someone like me looking for that kind of alternative healing, insightful, educational information. There are many ways to see exotic animals and learn more about everything I heard from people including family and friends.
But what a gift to have been willing and able to do so for a special landmark trip that I can share with others going forward, ideally here and with more of the photos and stories so I can remember the good times and adventures (getting lost a bit in Hawaii when the oil was woefully low in my nice rental car but finding lovely horses on scenic mountains I may have missed if just getting straight back from Hilo to Kahona on the Big Island of Hawaii through lava flow lands and other moonscape type geography with awesome volcanoes in view too.) folks who were at the Gregg Braden event along with folks from were offering livestreaming of future events, some of which likely have been cancelled. Maybe those speakers gave talks from their homes as Jimmy Kimmel managed to do with a little team work from his family. I am taking a program with Ryan Levesque of the ASK Method and he is also working with basics like anyone with a laptop (or Mac Book etc, I don’t know my tech as well as I hope to) or telephone even.
Many experts are saying ‘this kind of home-based, close-to-home living is the New Normal for the foreseeable future..weeks, months and possibly Years!) I have lived the way I do for most of my life, seeming to be going backwards while people discovered the powers of internet back in the 1990s, then cell phones, in the 2000s and other uber services from having Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts focusing on their target niche markets and maxxing out profits and often drawing people into set patterns, and away from more mix and mingle neighborhood places like a corner restaurant and local grocery store. Now there are super duper supermarkets (one super wasn’t enough.)
I noticed that people in the neighborhoods of Brooklyn and NYC managed with iddy biddy stores and high selves of food and yes, toilet paper. Not always the best prices, but ‘survivable’ for some. Then there may be the larger store in the bigger neighborhood but people having to afford taxis or rides to get their groceries home.
Much different than the American places where parking lots are at big as the stores and packed with shoppers, more on the weekends with city folks going to their second homes with a few hours of any big city. That’s been how many small towns have been able to ‘stay in business’.
Often second home owners will volunteer for non-profits, many of which benefit from Community Foundations such as The Berkshire Taconic Foundation which serves counties of the Berkshires of MA, Dutchess County (at least Millerton NY I think though I may need to review their list) and Litchfield CT (primarily the rural towns in the NW corner of CT.) The Torrington Community Foundation is in Torrrington CT so the idea of having larger foundations assist the non-profits is one to look to and model more independent efforts after (NGOs,non-governmental organizations.)
Many people are bothered by me ‘Giving Advice Without Being Asked’ first and that’s been the case for as long as I can remember. The concern I have about people shushing me up is that I am learning things that seem rather critical and ways to help Prevent Harm and problems not just bemoan the fact afterward.
Apparently while many did see Corona Coming and Tried to Warn People they also have been shushed officially or otherwise dismissed. Likely we could do big investigations not only on this one area but in our lives to understand a bit better how more people could be informed that ‘there may be bigger risks’ about any number of things than we have been led to understand.
Something I’ve asked for years is, “Who is driving the bUS for US All?’ Likely we are seeing ‘that is not clear at all’ or “it could change day to day” or “it may be thought that one person or group is but really they either know or don’t know that that is not the case sometimes or on a regular basis.’
The Invisible Enemies are numerous and again come from within and without. Having some team support and considerate guidance not only as an option but as a strong recommendation but also possibly as a necessity is part of what is playing out with All Things Corona. We may talk of life as BC, Before Corona and AC After Corona hit Or even AD in terms of After Death of many due to corona.
The kind of concern, fear, question and experience that is arising likely will make more people ready to listen to alternative thinkers, healers, theologians and others, not only their medical doctors and local leaders who have also felt poorly informed and also like victims to the Powers that Be and the Games they are Playing with All of Our Lives.
Doesn’t actually seem possible, to make sense or be legal in this day and age. I have compared Corona to Abuse in other posts (and will do more of that, but as some on the internet have shared, many minorities or disadvantaged people living in a life of double standards due to their gender, sexual orientation, relationship status, racial or cultural identity, age or other factor have felt a lot of the ‘social distancing’ and other modified living patterns (such as women and children needing to plan for safety just about everywhere in their lives for instance and victims of domestic abuse or violence or neglect (DV which could be DAVN or intimate partner violence (IPV)) know in spades. Not to land on a dark note, but insights from such people including institutional shortcomings if not wrongdoing also merit a full court press set of research to share with the public., Safe&Together Institute and Battered Mothers Custody Conference along with writers advocate for learning about the patterns and underlying causes of abuse and the way a system and community may blindly or intentionally keep the wrong tactics and outcomes going.
This is from wikipedia about Derrick Jensen who drew comparisons of abuse of the environment to what Lundy Bancroft shares about abusive mindsets and tactics. Barry Goldstein also has important books to shed light on domestic abuse advocacy along with others hoping to safeguard children such as with the Safe Child Act. Some posts on this blog speak to those matters and overall encourages everyone to get in the driver’s seat of their own life with team support and current education and advocacy efforts. We do not need to be along but we do each need to be willing to listen and learn especially if important questions are raised, ideas and brainstorming is shared and yes if new information comes to light that would even reframe Much of the Past so we can do Better in the Future! Thanks for all folks are doing and I’ll be sharing a bit more soon along these lines such as keeping a journal, looking online and taking time to reflect, maybe one of the better surviving and thriving strategies we could all employ right about NOW!