We are having quite the huddle online about a hundred of us…The original program is “love and light’ not fear and lack. Funy there’s a virus of fear here on earth when we really are love and light. The speaker Brad Kasey on the John Burgos’ Beyond the Ordinary Show is really remarkable on April 15th, 2020.

I hope to hear the talk by Dr. Laurie Moore from 2/26/20 also. The speakers tonight say there is a benefit for receiving and giving. Choose everything rather than want or long for things or feel lack. The shift in perception to not be comparing and competitive.

There’s a lot of beautiful ‘refinement process’ and metaphysical description. They are saying ‘it’s here if we choose it’. Creating our reality by navigating the frequencies… It can be challenging to know ‘which way to go’ when there are many opportunities. It’s okay to pick one way then do another rather than have analysis paralysis.

You won’t run out of energy or interest. This is rather helpful. Take the steps and allow flow. Once you engage with one project or situation, then a lot moves along and shifts things accordingly. Do things that feel good and be okay with change. Consider being ‘like a child’. You can’t choose wrongly or run out of time. Hope that’s enough to get you inspired to check it out.