Thanks for the heads up that I cannot post my inquiry letter in this private facebook group. Maybe that could be mentioned early on again…as for the specificity of my niche (where people may not feel it applies to them) it’s actually about as widespread as life itself for people of all ages..
.Nothing is easy nowadays even when it comes to living or dying as one would prefer…if one has a choice. The paperwork is rather critical yet often confusing to the medical folks and possibly even one’s health care representative or agent. I have met people recently addressing that aspect.
I think it could be a ‘market incubator’ a bit like ‘CV19’ changing things up as it has..although this would be to actually help people find clarity and confidence about not only making their wishes known but having them followed.
That in turn could help avoid ‘wrongful death or wrongful life’ suits…both have happened at a rather higher rate than by chance…I’m happy to be in touch with anyone who may want to network around this issue..and it is National Healthcare Decisions Day, so rather timely…and a bit of helpful way to ‘refresh the dialogue about CV19 to encourage more people to have support and not be caught off guard should then need to help someone in their circles even with learning basics.
The point is ‘it’s a gray area’ and needs a lot of fine tuning…Other markets may ‘pivot and lean into’ helping more people get on board with this similarly to how everyone has learned to socially distance physically and wear masks, etc as recommended.Thanks for letting me mention these things and offer insights incorporating some of what I’ve learned here… likely just scratching the surface since as some have said, the old world ship has set sail..and these are unchartered times… and many businesses may not be able to pick up where they left off. See what American Institute of Economic Research offers along those lines on other posts and on their site. For those who are curious, I’ll post my reques for input next.