I’m fairly new to getting videos from a friend online in a message…but sometimes it’s happened and I’ve recorded some here (such as the heads up about the Jupiter-Pluto Configuration earlier on April 4th, 2020. Now I got one about ‘Love being the one and only answer’ to how to heal humanity and our planet…A letter to Leiserl, Albert Einstein’s daughter, is read many decades after it was written in 1938 by Branden Boys. His daughter shared it publicly in 1980, following his request to ‘wait until humanity would be better able to receive it.”
One of my questions having heard it would be ‘What IF she had shared it in a more timely manner? Might more people have been able to prevent the atomic bomb from being dropped, which was Totally Unnecessary according to a book,Hiroshima; Fact or Myth?
TheJourneyMethod.com/love offers a reading of the letter by Branden Bays and comes during these ‘Corona Times’ when much of the world has been put on alert mostly in a ‘easy-does-it way’ but that was not the case for many in various countries (which again we should learn and care much more about to prevent more restraint or harm than necessary during any challenge.) Groups like Amnesty International and possibly the UN would speak to such things. But for now, Let’s consider the invitation to hear the healing, hopeful message of “Love is God. God is Love…and Love is the one and only answer’ to healing our hearts, planet and times.
Thanks for sharing..so glad you’re in my circle of Big Love…( a term an elderly Olympian level swimmer shared with me when expressing sending love to another in need… That’d be all of us but also can be the ones sharing that kind of love…to have things come full circle. Maybe that’s part of the ‘formula’. I’ll share this with my friends, one of whom studied linguistics and another in plasma physics (I know,right?) both at the PhD level…and of course many moms, dads, teachers, medical workers, healers and regular folks too who could use a more inspiration and thanks… HugEnergy, Catherine