More than ever it seems “we’re in the same boat, Brothers and Sisters All” with these Corona Times coming over the airwaves and hopefully keeping their distance from having us show up in a tally, even if it’s building up immunity along the way among people who can cope.
Hello, How are you faring this round of spring when everything’s different from prior seasons as far as we can remember? I hope you are finding ways to stay grounded with some fresh air and good food (some sweets okay too in moderation and not every day all day. Maybe try a soup or eggs with onions, chees, herbs like rosemary and mushrooms for instance.)
I found myself drawn to finding positive inspiration and programs online and signed up for an online marketing clas with an illustrious Brown University graduate and family man turned entrepreneur named Ryan who most likely have heard of or should. I don’t know that I can share his name, but google it and yes, he’s an author of ways to get your business up and running (starting with Choosing the Right Market) and a big fan of LEGO!
From all I can see he seems as good as gold, and has a moving life story about realizing just in the nick of time that he was a Type 1 diabetic. He almost fell into a coma but the angels as I see it, were at work via him getting help to check up on his physical health to get life insurance, in part because he became a Dad for a second time. In that sense those events may have factored into helping him stay in the game of life…What If he hadn’t had kids and didn’t feel the need to life insurance (at his wife’s suggestion?)
I realize a lot of young people and particularly new parents think about getting life insurance, much of which doesn’t require a physical exam, but in his case, thankfully his did! I would hope Everybuddy would get a regular screening not only for basic physical health but bloodwork which would include an A1C which conveys the average blood sugar level.
I mention more about the importance of screening for pre-diabetes and trying to prevent or address that or diabetes through diet and exercise in addition to whatever medication may be recommended by one’s medical professionals (doctor etc.) I am not giving medical or legal advice here on but rather sharing experiences and stories as a person who has heard a lot and hopes to light the way for others to have a better time of not going down difficult life paths ‘clueless’ or without encourgement to get support and to keep learning best they can as part of a team.
So regarding the marketing class, I wrote to my local newspaper The Lakeville Journal of Ct about it in part to encourage others to think seriously about learning or connecting or doing business with others ONLINE. That’s the new or enhanced mode for getting ideas on the road. Maybe I went a little overboard thinking about the great bonus opportunities to have a ‘funnel done for me’ to reach a lot of people (some I know and maybe buy a list to get others, or how to put it online so people could give me feedback on a market of interest or a product such as a coaching course I may want to offer or be part of or run as an affiliate group.)
Well you can see the opportunities seemed to be growing with every click and ‘yes’ I embraced, for an hour, a few hours, a few days and so on. I felt like I was ‘back in learning mode’ and with a lot of it on video I thought “How hard could this be? It’s clear and make sense (mostly, and moreso after reviewing and getting a workbook and realizing the value of downloading the material and actually doing the exercises.) I have offered the idea back to them to have a quiz (optional) to doublecheck that key ideas were understoood and that the material was actually watched. I may have missed one important short talk so was wondering why it wasn’t more clear.
Then I did the assigned work realizing along the way I had likely overloaded it even though they said ‘Keep it simple, focused and provided a fail-proof script.’ My big dilemma along the way was wondering if I had ‘acted too soon’ even though there was a 30-day back guarantee…if I completed the work and uploaded it to their secure link. I should have looked That over more carefully and if I had a savvy tech person with me they could have assured me we’d be able to pull it off.
As it were with so many places closed (even libraries and in my rural town, other places that may be able to help being few and far between) I was working myself into a veritable ball of stress. I got some other coaching from wonderful folks I’ve known (one I paid $20 dollars to who usually charges $100 and up for an hour) about what roots of worry and feeling I may spend or buy things I don’t really need…as having been linked to a feeling from childhood that ‘there wasn’t enough’ or “I wasn’t smart or capable enough and would need more to survive or thrive…” Well that theme came up in a few other talks I heard online. The idea of ‘old programming trying to keep one safe and protected’ came up a few times.
Even in the marketing program the idea that any change can be viewed as a threat was shared to remind one of ‘not asking too much of someone right away, but to warm up with friendly neutral topics and a basic greeting or ‘hello’ to acknowledge someone person to person. Making small bits of information available and checking in with someone is another reminder for building an interaction.
I recalled the time I wanted to energize and help the Vassar College community back in the early 1980s. I got the head of the dorms to organize some pizza parties or other such gatherings giving them seed money from the Chaplain’s Office.
I used the Valentine’s theme of ‘putting a community Valentine board’ up in the college center and in each dorm to acknowledge what people liked about others anonymously or in general to share thoughts about what made for a nice friendship, relationship, community. The Big Questions that the Dorm Presidents could promote at the gatherings were “What Do You Like About Vassar? What Could Make It Even Better?”
A dorm leader holding that on a large sign in jazzy colorful writing made it into the yearbook! So did pictures of an event I had later on which was a contra dance on the lawn of the chapel with live music and people wearing roses I got from a friend’d wedding reception that fall weekend.
That was the 1985 yearbook, the class which Lisa Kudrow of future Friends fame was a part of. (And Yes, I would like one should someone have an extra…) Unfortunately I didn’t realize the value of having a yearbook from college so I hadn’t ordered one or had my picture taken. (I did the next year though, for Class of 1986 who I actually did graduate with having taken two different semesters off to see the world…well the US and then just enjoy a quieter pace based from my CT home, a bit like all college students have had to do this semester.
Big decisions for all schools about future on campus experiences even from little ones through high school let along colleges! My heart goes out to everyone missing friends, groups and teams.. Hang in there and do what you can to keep your talents tip top and connections Strong at Heart!)
A yearbook in college seemed like going back to high school mode to me even though I was all about community. Basically used college as an extension of a high school experience. I took soccer in gym since I never found a team after playing my freshman year of high school.
I was a bit less fit but thankfully the classes were only an hour long a couple times of week! I have friends who play even after having two kids and part of me wouldn’t mind kicking a ball around with other grandmothers in their 50s! Maybe that’s my next new business idea when this CV19 hoopla is over.
Hopefully that’s got some folks smiling. Now back to completing my online marketing assignments, mainly to qualify for a refund since I think I bit off more than I can chew or do without worrying about expending so much for something I hadn’t really be planning on buying.
Another great coach from over the years, mainly online but a few times in person as cool events, Patty Lennon, has suggested keeping any purchases to things one initiates a seach one has determined fits with a business or personal growth plan, not pursuing invites per se (except hers… )
Well, again she is someone I had wanted to get to know..and had actually won tickets to meet at her Mom Grows A Business Conference a few years back. I realized later in the news that was also the day tragically Maren Sanchez lost her life to another student who had been exhibiting mental instability and aggression, making her fearful on prior occassions even though he may have hoped to go to the prom with her. He is serving a very long prison sentence at this time.
I recently heard in the news that her family was awarded in a law suit for the school failing to implement serious interventions. There was a risk the case may have been ‘thrown out’ on grounds that the school had done enough to monitor Maren’s would-be attacker at her own high schol on April 25th, 2014. Let’s each take time at 7am that day (if not that week and every day) to remember Maren and to work toward promoting safety and advocacy for oneself and strong community on all levels.
An amazing outreach and response has been run by her family, primarily her mother Donna Cimarelli, the Maren Sanchez Home Foundation to help young women (and lets face it plenty of older women also who hear about it) the warning signs of manipulation and control that can endanger their lives. The book The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker is one Ms.Cimarelli used in talks to explain the warning signs and importance of self-advocacy for safety.
The options I have in the next day or so is to ‘stay the course’ and get to use a bonus valued at $5K to send out a survey and analyze data from to enhance my choice of a market I am thinking of pursuing or developing further or a product along those lines… That was sounding AweSome!
If I were to put off doing the class for a month or so, my refund option would dry up and my bonus would disappear. Do I wish I had a few people working on this with me right about now?
You Betcha! Did I tell my whole community I was doing this? Yes, but not with a clear follow-up to contact me about The option to help me out now or work with me to help me get through this great opportunity.
I will come out with skills that would qualify me to take their Next Course to become a certified coach or this method. What are the fees and requirements to become certified and actually work in that area..are there ongoing fees?
That may be the case with various Great Offers. That doesn’t mean they aren’t worthwhile but a bit of that ‘it takes money to make money.’ As some note, people trying these kinds of programs (even some of the free ones) may have put in their time and have more skills than they have understood have value and are helpful to the economy.
With everyone literally ‘trapped at home’ the use of the internet had gone sky high. So this is the Ideal time to ‘get on board’. When hearing that thousands of people have gone through a course which likely can help them in life not only in a certain aspect of business, there is inspiration to jump in and give one’s best. When there is a private FB page and support from coaches, those are other big pluses to help break isolation and feelings that ‘I’m alone in this venture.’
The idea that working with others can help one succeed and is More Fun is also a big motivator. Sometimes there are live events or parts that are streamed or made available. I saw one such extra video from one of the live events and was very impressed.
Felt like I’d been there yet also know there’s a journey involved with these kinds of experiences and aspiring to take action whether signing up for something, making travel and housing plans (and renting a car or lining up transportation) and then enjoying the opportunity once there. Being online as much as I have been in the past month, I’ve likely met a few hundred people in meaningful forums, some local and many nationwide and some worldwide.
The New Life Expo online (and still going on a bit longer on weekends) was in the latter category and some would say that included some other-worldly folks too! Then there are the healers and coaches clearing away the old, inviting in the new. It’s almost like taking some kind of ‘Happy Juice.”
There’s also news however of the rising numbers of people who have the CV19 and people who have died from that or other causes in this past month…and sadly with few ways for people to gather but important ways such as on to offer online support. At the same time many are protesting the social distancing measures mainly due to the harsh economic effects, many of which may be challenging to recover from readily. It’s important likely to promote online learning and coaching for people to reframe and even pivot their resources and skills to meet the present day situation on many levels. Perhaps grants for learning could be made to assist with this kind of training!
Meanwhile the Brooklyn Unitarian Church in NYC had an online service recently which I plan to check out with an Earth Day theme. I will wrap this up for now and appreciate all everyone is doing much like the Global Citizen Concert on television shared on Saturday night, April 18th,2020.
I did see Bill and Melinda Gates give their short talk and know there are various theories going about regarding the good, the bad, the curious and furious possibilities about vaccines (voluntary or mandated for all manner of things and in all parts of the world…) and the effects of 5G which likely could be or is part of the next major Game Changer.
Wanting to keep things on a more human scale, I got a call from one person I got to see out in New Mexico to check in for an hour. All well there as it is on my coast. This morning I thought I’d start a ‘Coast to Coast Caring and Sharing Thinking KAPP, Kids Adults, Parents, Partnerships’ Program whether hear or on the radio where we go over things for people of each decade and see where people can join together to help one another and the common good.
Really the world is comprised of People Helping People (or People Hurting People, including themselves) So that is one way to frame our human experience whether in person. online or otherwise through radio, movies, books and programs of all sorts, some more experiential, some meditative or guided meditation (as in be quiet and listen), spiritual, community based with intentions and agreements which people hopefully follow (see Crafting Great Safety PLANS on this blog.)
Some efforts need to appreciate the past as well as observe and assess the present and plan for the future so that’s less about only tuning into ‘just now’ even though many say ‘that’s all we’ve got’.
Truth is we are given a lot of support as people for months before and after we are born, for a few years if not a decade or two when we grow then all of that should not evaporate as one becomes more independent physically and financially or even socially. The networks should be consistent and create a platform for health, well-being, networking and success in all areas of one’s life, such as changing lanes not creating a whole new off-road experience. Let’s make it smooth sailing in calm waters and ‘easy driving and navigating terrain’ Coast to Coast with Our Community Thinking KAPP, Kids, Adults, Parents, Partnership! Who’s Game?!