Hello to All and Trust things are going relatively well for you and yours. Yet hearing the rising number of  people affected in some way and the small percentage who are dying due to the COVID19 condition is concerning and deserves our utmost compassion for each person and their family and friends facing that tough reality. The whole country and world is being reminded of our meaningful connections and reasons to care about one another as well as do the best we can to stay safe and tuned into the causes of illness in general and this CV19 in particular.

The series I am listening to currently is from www.TheLiveBetterGroup.com which has many alternative views of how to prevent illness and safeguard health for people with cleaner environments and water. There are concerns raised about  the effects of  vaccines, GMOs, (genetically modified organisms), glycosphate (weed killers,) corn syrup. sugar (and artificial sweeteners) and plenty of other problems.

The basic advice in the first episode is to be proactive and to eat a wholesome plant-based diets. Our organ systems are ‘replaced’ with new cells every few months which is coordinated by the brain-body connection. We need to use our inherent natural biological processes to work toward health. There are ideas shared about reversing Alzheimer’s and prevening dementia.

The drug industry is disclosed as offering one thing after another. Niacin, Vitamin B3, was used in 1953 by Dr. Hoffer to address Alzheimer’s or dementia… with some success (if I’m catching the messages correctly. ) Warnings of statins being linked to developing brain disorders (Alz and dementia) is also shared. Many drugs are contaminating the water supply since they are expelled by humans. CT scans, x-rays, chemo and other drug effects may contribute to causing cancer….Who knew?  Intravenous Vitamin C is toxic to chemo cells and may be helpful in any treatment protocol. Chemo may be helpful in about 3% of cancers…is one point they shared.

There’s a lot to consider…and this is just the intro. They also have a talk about CV19 airing tonight I want to see as well. So here’s to ‘one thing at a time’ and eating a bit better every day, and encouraging one other  to do so as well (who is interested… or just by example and maybe sharing some healthy food.) We can do this carefully over time. Happy Eating, Living and Caring About Yourself and Others in Balanced Ways!