is the free offer currently running from with Judy Satori (who has many other offerings and a free trial of her programs for five days.) Judy Satori had over 1500 people on the second call in a series of six weekly live sessions.

Judy Satori is running this program online to help people ‘upgrade their DNA and frequencies to be more in alignment with healing and receiving’ positive connections with energy to help us at this time in our human evolution. These are not the typical ideas shared and everyone should have support in considering whether this is in alignment with their beliefs and sense of receiving this kind of offer.

She suggests people listen from the first week on, for 5-7 days (and 5 times a day to assist with the upgrades gradually and effectively, with drinking lemon water or green liquid chorophyll in water or apple cider vinegar in water, and accepting there may be times of feeling things shifting or needing rest. Many say it helps to be outdoors and even sitting on the earth to connect with the earth’s energy as well.) Don’t listen while driving or using mechanical equipment however. Common sense is a good thing to use throughout one’s days and life (and lifetimes as the case may be and she suggests is also what’s getting balanced.)

While most are accustomed to seeing a movie that may be about space travel, sci-fi, dinosaurs or teachings from historical times, these new ideas may seem ‘just a bit too far out there’ or possibly not in alignment with traditional teachings and religion per se. There seem to be more insights from science and spiritual groups looking at ‘overlap’.

Consider what and many on the New Life Expo 2020 series (and many years prior which are readily available now) have been sharing. Why aren’t more of these points covered in mainstream media? It’s important to have more positive thinkers and healer types to address these ‘crazy corona times’…and consider the bigger picture for people, animals and the planet in these next years and decades when greater challenges may be arriving on many fronts. Likely with greater cooperation and a sense of heart-centered values, ‘we can work it out’ as the Beatles song lyrics go.