“What’s Next?” many wonder. It’s time for a tune up for both people and planet earth. We must use this ‘restart’  to ‘rethink everything’ for our collective survival in the next decades to come.
Many sounding the alarm of Climate Change, such as 350.org and the great young activist Greta Thunberg, have said ‘We Cannot Survive If We Keep Destroying the Earth’s Resources, Using Fossil Fuels. and Eating Meat.”
Recent reports shared on HealthyPlanetUSA.org declare that  a large percent of the land and limited fresh water supplies worldwide goes to graze cattle and raise livestock, with great increases predicted.The ocean life is in peril as well due to over-fishing, with more than half wasted.
Livestock ‘outputs’ such as methane from manure and nitrous oxide (which is 30x more damaging) account for half the greenhouse gases. We can learn to eat primarily vegan diets with support to make changes.
That alone can improve health outcomes on a large scale. But thinking things through and making changes are not easy to do all at once. I am learning more from Dr. RitaMarie Loscalzo online with her Insulin Resistance Solution Practioner Training (IRSPT) and Sweet Spot Solution group. Kat James offers important ideas about resetting one’s leptin levels and maintaining them with a particular eating plan one can learn about on her website.
There were many ideas offered ‘across the nutrition, mindset, and spiritual spectrum all in terms of thinking of others and the planet in a more balanced, heart-centered way at this pivotal time in human history. GreggBraden.com has a great set of ideas along the lines of science and spirituality meeting on common ground with a focus on healing. Ideally more people will have access to online information and support groups even as social distancing has made it challenging to visit and study in closer settings.
To help people ‘tune in to tune up’, consider using the free resources from BrainTime.com (which I’ve been doing for a few months and  with which I plan to become an affiliate to help more people try it out)  and a currently free online program from HeartMath.org called Heart Smarts Adventure for kids (but let’s face it, everybody could tune into their hearts and calming breathing techniques.)
Many other programs and books such as from MaureenStGermain.com/clearing, JudySatori.com and Eve Wilson at spiritualhealers.com suggest this is a time of great transformation that we will come through successfully with some fine tuning of our intentions and use of our human energy and relationships as well.
Thanks for staying strong at heart and doing your part locally and globally. More resources are shared freely on Livfully.org. Peace and light to all as we find our way to a healthier world and humanity together!
Catherine Palmer Paton