Thanks to everybuddy whose checked out this blog and hopefully been inspired to do something in their lives feeling ‘If she can say or do that…I can take a risk too…to try something along the lines of Taking A Break, A Deep Breath, Thinking Kindly Toward Yourself, Being Nice to Someone Else…and all those ‘little things’ that maybe the voices in one’s head says ‘there’s no need, no time, no point’ in doing those kinds of things.’
That said, the prior post was a ‘walk down memory lane’ for me recounting not only being a mom to lovely grown kids but also of a teen son in spirit and other people in spirit I am close to, including my miscarried children too. My late amazing parents would be almost a hundred years old and late talented in-laws would be closer to 90 years old. Where did the time fly, I wonder?
I would ask that people find someone to be nice to on my May 14th birthday…and think with compassion about the world situation, including the Middle East (as it’s the date in 1948 that Israel was established.) It’s also Mark Zuckerberg’s birthday… so hello Facebook.
I appreciate the idea of making a donation to help celebrate…so Pick Your Own and maybe post online who you helped in your personal circles or donated to whether celebrating my birthday with me or someone else’s in the month of May or however it may play out. I’m all about ‘planting seeds to encourage people to enjoy their lives in simple, meaningful and even connected ways.’
I used to hold my money tight to my chest feeling there would be no point in spending it on something unnecessary or expensive, basically never eating out since I didn’t have ‘extra cash’. I splurged along the way spending about five dollars to go to a Nature Festival at the Audubon Center in Sharon CT about 33 years ago… when they had a wolf talk..with a Live Wolf.So That was worth five bucks.
That’s not common nowadays, to have a wolf in the state of CT, so all the better I went then. As it turns out, Audubon became a bigger part of my life than I ever imagined and was a huge part of how I was able to stay in the area and rear a family, mainly due to housing which came with the job at the time my husband at the time held. That might be a great place to send a donation come to think of it. Tomorrow there will be a fly-over in Sharon CT to honor the health care workers, so that’s a big plus!
If you’d like to send me a note to me for my birthday, share some ideas or part of your life story, feel free to do so at If you’d like to make a gift or donation to help me keep blogging and advocating that is would be helpful as well and much appreciated.
That could happen at Thank you very much in advance for considering doing so now or whenever that may work out! It’s taken me a few decades to even think of asking and I hope to do more outreach, but feel it may be a big boost to taking the Next Steps and again encourage others to seek their goals with a sense of teamwork and connection.
I’ll mention too that there are wonderful scholarships and fire departments to support in the towns of Falls Village, North Canann and Cornwall, Salisbury, Sharon and Kent CT which comprise our local school district.
Each town means a lot to me and has dedicated people working overtime to keep the towns going strong. Falls Village and North Canaan are particularly in my basic stomping ground with lots of hard-working folks that add a lot to the area. The Housatonic Valley Regional High School is a public high school that serves those six towns and is based in Falls Village CT even though now like all the other schools in much of the country is online.
Vassar College in Poughkeepsie NY also holds a special place in my heart. The kinds of work and talent coming out the colleges over the decades is exciting, yet hopefully with the modern world and online options, more people could benefit and develop their talents. Hats off to all forging ahead as strong as ever with thanks to those who encourage US All to wonder and hone in on our amazing human abilities and connections on many levels.
Let’s keep the Bigger Picture and Greater Love Going Strong. All the best as the rest of May brings more hope with spring and reasonable ways to lean into these times with trust and good will. Peace, love and light…and the promise of spring and growing awareness of making life better for more people in each country and around the world.