Newsflash! It’s not just the ticks that can be up to cruel tricks for the two-leggeds (people, especially if crawling around in their garden when weeding or playing with kids..or taking a chance to do some earthing on a blanket on the grass…)
Same for pets.Watch out for poison ivy and other tricky plants that can wreak havoc with one’s skin. Any bites or toxic plants can possibly cause infections that look like burns, swell and can spread to lymph glands and cause serious harm to health, damage skin (even permanently or cause it to rot and need removal…) or cause cellulitis. The antidote may involve getting antibiotics by IV.
Request that the IV be given according to the timing recommended (and if you have time, do some research as to what that is.) That may need to be followed up with a course of oral antibiotics, so getting a serious bug bite or case of poison ivy that is becoming infected under the skin assessed sooner rather than later is a great idea and way to prevent more complications and harm.
We need to watch out for bug bites and be ready to head over to an ER for serious IV antibiotics if things go from bad to worse over a day or two..with swelling, infection and streaking up the blood/ lymph system.
Hopefully ‘all returns to normal’ after a sudden setback in health (UTI, urinary tract infection or other concern one may not understand is problematic but might be so again, good to have a phone or in person consult with one’s medical provider.)
In general more public health advocacy by people and communities could be done to promote learning about issues like healthy eating to prevent diabetes (cut the carbs and sugars and even fruits way down and don’t eat every 2 hours and snack throughout the day but rather space meals 4-6 hours apart according to guidance online from Dr. Ritamarie..but clear things with your doctor…Always..and All Ways..)
Some things we simply haven’t been directed to Pay Attention To..whether serious lifestyle patterns of decline or even short-term alarming symptoms. So let’s all err ont he side of checking with a family member, friend and online information to become advocates for ourselves and others.
Let’s keep all sorts of practical safety tips in mind as the season warms, one is out and about not only relative to Corona Virus Disease (thus COVID 19, as in from 2019) but regarding plants, animals, lifting and moving when doing outdoor work or exercise and just bunches of other stuff too like staying hydrated (keep water with lemon and so on outside with you and stop and take sips along the way of working for an hour or two ideally with a friend or someone knowing you’re out there..
What if you get stung and discover you are allergic..or bit by something worrisome (even a feral cat may scratch one and land someone in serious juju for weeks with IV or other serious meds.) So the idea is to all remind each other and advocate for anyone to Get Things Checked Out and not be so busy and tough (even if not in great pain but clearly Something Is Not Right (as Miss Clavelle famously remarked when Madeleine was crying with tummy pain..that turned out to be her Appendix for those not familiar with the childhood tale.)
Okay so happy ‘easy does it’ living, eating, working, gardening, visiting and getting check ups in a timely fashion (yearly if not more as needed to monitor one’s A1C, blood pressure, weight and other basics.) Good sleeps gives you Bonus Points..and losing a few pounds means you didn’t gain 5 or 10, so keep the basics in mind and keep taking small steps.
Best to all and tune into what Jenn McLean is cooking up at 3pm on the 20th of each month EST online..a circle of prayer which really may be good medicine for us all. Free replays also from over the year with a lot of wonderful sharing, so I’ll catch some and summarize here.
Best to all and Let’s have a Ball, best as we can, virtually and trusting we’ll all come out on top of these CV19 times, wiser, friendlier, healthier and more caring and creative. Some ‘out there’ but interesting ideas are offered by on her (see more on other posts on or go to the site for the free Breaking Through series that can be done anytime) HugEnergy, keep up the good work and rest, one and all!