Look up to see what is available virtually at the NYPL and ways they are celebrating their first 125 years.  There’s a special way to access e-books, so look for that app if you are a NY citizen. Likely your library also has a lot to offer online.

Meanwhile I will mention I have The Jewel Story by Catherine Palmer Paton which is an audio for free with other comments about it on this blog Livfully.org. Also I have a story called The Turtle and The Acorn which is about handling transitions and making friends along the way with a few other surprises in store…a bit like the times in which we currently find ourselves.

The official anniversary date is May 23, 2020, so you haven’t missed out. Celebrate by reading a book or one to a friend online (What’s App, Skype, Zoom, FB Live etc.) We can explore ways to network galore..virtually and from safe social distances too. Best to all… and Congrats to the Libraries near and far and book lovers and writers everywhere to keep inspiring US All the world over.