A list of everyone’s mother, spouse or other important person to them (adult child etc) should be listed for people to know Who To Call to Talk Sense Into Someone…and that could include police and military folks..Like a healthcare proxy, when someone is acting unreasonably, mental health or similar kind of support should be sought. Referees of sorts should be in every community as well to provide ‘accountability and clarity about what is being done.
Every episode could be on video with remote monitoring, likely a computer app or phone app could be made to signal when something is not going well and even give directions. Let’s realize this was a witnessed event and intervenors were being kept at bay, including medical personnel. We definitely feel this is appalling. There are numerous kinds of wrongdoing and harm that are coming to the fore…and we are realizing we need none of this kind of crime and much more help to get people basic needs and ways to comply with help early on to avoid being in harm’s way.
The way society can and does respond, with police as the first and fiercest intervention is ‘too much too soon.’ Lots to think about and I have reflected on these kinds of matters in former posts. I hope to get more help with this kind of blogging and advocacy. Thanks for all considering things and working at being more steadfast in finding and promoting solutions and collaborations of a peaceful yet effective kind.
For days now I have been learning more about the passing of a national hero George Floyd who by all accounts suffered a needless death and one apparently linked to police neglect if not brutality. The police officer involved has been charged with third degree murder.
Let US All take a serious moment of reflection and send love and support to the family and friends, community and yes, country of George Floyd and all victims of violence, neglect and harm that has cut across the spectrum of society. Men, women and children are all far too at risk, whether from police or other abuse by those in power, and far too often, in their own homes by people who should protect or at least respect them. See other posts where I explore these tragic themes. But we are waking up and will make strides.
For some reason I checked what was in the New York Times and saw the latest video footage of the riot that compromised the Third Precinct in Minneapolis. The crowds were peaceful but protesting at first.
The numbers were great and the variety of people was well represented. The video I saw this morning of the earlier footage of three policemen involved closely when George Floyd was initially made to lie face down on the street with his hands cuffed, with one man pinning him down with his knee at the back of his neck was clearly showing an imbalance of power. I wondered if this were ‘police protocol.’
The NY Times article covered that they were not teaching that kind of neck restraint in recent years or endorsing its use for more than dire situations of life and death. As the article said, “it clearly was not that kind of situation.’ Placing a knee at the side of the neck rather than the back or front would not cut off the airway. Simply lying facedown with his hands behind his back for as long as he did (7-8 minutes, including the last few when he was unresponsive) was likely what diminished his oxygen supply and comprised his ability to breathe.
The hauntingly familiar words form George Floyd, “I can’t breathe” did not shift the police officer’s stance of his knee or seem to evoke any follow up from them. I wonder if the officer was feeling more pressure to ‘not give in’ to people who were saying he should release his hold and get him in the car ‘by now.’ I do wonder what I would have done or what others could have done to intervene, even throw something in their direction as a distraction. Maybe tear gas for instance or flour or balloons with water or oil to create a reasonable safe way for everyone to shift their focus to safety and reality.
I wrote about other cases before I felt I could or should, then took a community police training to understand what police go through and face (just hearing stories and doing some role playing even in the dark or in schools with search dogs and so on.) Sadly I heard of another community police program where someone accidently was using a real weapon (not wooden ones for instance) and a woman was shot and killed during such a class. I believe that was in Florida a few years ago.
I would hope there could be timely intervention teams to mediate and Acknowledge people’s clear concerns. Independent groups could assess what Would be Reasonable Next Steps and Ways to Support and Respond with Apologies of Action and Voluntarily Withdrawal so no other lives would be put at risk. I was very concerned to think of what the retaliation level could be (in certain times and places and in the future…) Let’s get people organized from each part of the community and country to avoid having any further esclation of violence. We can and must do better to get what we want, not what we Don’t Want. Peace and let’s keep their legacies alive with love and greater advocacy and clear ways to vote people into positions of leadership with accountability and follow-through, not empty promises. Peace, love and light… on our journey toward healing together.