Grateful to hear at least One Police Officer was concerned and wanted George Floyd’s position changed. It seems if they had an idea that he was under the influence more precautions should have been made to prevent him from driving off and simply contain him without having to relocate him in and out of cars. When police know someone is mentally unstable I thought there were other protocol to fit the intervention.

The level of a ‘crime’ should clearly spell out what kind of actions would be reasonable and which are Not. Getting his name should have been sufficient and have a way to follow up at a later time for instance. Given that the store’s policy was to report fraud, that also needs serious review, since it resulted in such a tragic turn of events…and could put people in harm’s way as innocent bystanders.

We really need to Rethink Everything. The people of the US (and each country) should compile the concerns of Every Person who has died when involved with police or other people attacking them.

There is a rather well-known case of a CT man who was chased by a mob in NYC in 1981 and died on the subway tracks. The medical reports said the effect of the mob could have caused or factored into his heart failure or contacting the third rail of the subway (though there were not the usual burn marks.)

This case could use a serious review with some recognition for the harm done to him and the lack of follow-up. All domestic violence cases and loss of custody to abusers need to be highlighted at this time as well. What goes on in every facet of society that is criminal and dehumanizing needs to be healed. Now is a good time to renew efforts and create forums and advocacy with laws and guidelines preventing more harm, validating each victim and creating a new world of accountability together.