In just a few seconds there’s going to be the main engine cut off… they have MECO…now up to 6600 mph and 110KM. The SECO, Second Engine Cut Off will be in five minutes. They’re heading up past NC all the way to Canada. Dragon Space X trajectory. Just taking a few notes from the television live airing. They are saying the astronauts are highly trained. Doug and Bob are cruising right along.

The term “Nominal” for trajectory means all is good in NASA terminology. We are few minutes away from the entry burn of a few engines. There is a first stage returning  back to a Dragon ship called ” Of Course, I Still Love You.” Bob and Doug are on a nominal trajectory still.. always good news. Second stage is still burn which will slow the entry down.

That helps guide it’s angle as it re-enters. SECO is about to happen. They showed the people at NASA. Falcon 9 has landed and returned safely to the homeship. I don’t actually think I understand what is happening. so I’ll have to learn a lot more. The views of the earth are from over 124 miles from the earth. They are heading to the ISS, International Space Station in about 18 hours. Dragon Separation is occurring

. Dragon is now officially making its way to the ISS.  More updates about the Falcon flight is being shared. People are wishing one another ‘”Good luck and Godspeed.” Okay hopefully everyone has a heads up about what’s going on…and can consider the implications and get inspired that more progress for hope and healing can happen hear on planet Heart! Adam Savage spoke on TV from MythBusters.

Mark Roper a NASA Engineer says this is a remarkable achievement. He shares this is a step forward for humanity. Mark Massimo, a former astronaut, says it’s amazing to look out directly into space. He felt he was looking at heaven when seeing our Home Planet..that it’s an absolute paradise in space!
