As the weather is warming, people are wanting to cool off. That’s cool, and if there are more options than wearing wet clothes and soaking one’s head or feet in some cold refreshing water, why not enjoy some time swimming in a safe, supervised area.
But when it comes to diving or doing flips and stunts off the edge of a cement pool or any surface you could slip (especially rocks) Think Twice. If there’s signage prohibiting such things by the town or landlord of a spot, then heed that. Use common sense and only people over 18 whose parents cannot be sued or held accountable for ‘risk of injury for a minor’ should consider putting themselves (and hopefully not others at risk, especially if under the influence of drugs or alcohol, legal or not.)
This is sounding like a lecture and complaint almost…and It Is! Two points for you! Now when it comes to jumping off a bridge, off a high rock and so on, Do You Really Think You Should Just “Go For It” without Thinking Carefully About It and Learning from Some Responsible, Capable Adult the Why’s and Wherefores if doing it or better yet Why Not To Do It? This may take days and weeks of consideration (especially if a minor, under 18 or even 21…)
Who, for instance, might be able and willing to care for you if you injure your neck or spine and become incapacitated? That makes for a very different life whether one is mentally still intact or ‘not so much.’ So again, Who Can and Will You Check With to get Real about the dangerous activity whether jumping or Something Else on the verge of ‘crazy, wild and risky even if ‘do-able and fun’?
Likely only a friend, relative or parent will be reading this and thinking of Giving You a copy of this to read before opening your next check in the mail for graduation or a birthday. If you are Too Busy to read this or think about it, You Are Not a Good Candidate to Do Step 1 which is to Really Be Able and Willing to Think Things Through… Please don’t prove me right. I much prefer to be completely wrong and have you write me a note of what you’ve some up with to Okay so read on and consider the whole world is full of opportunities.
The courage and charisma many adventurous souls have (and yes, I was one more for doing dives but likely too fancy for my skills and not with a real game plan with a coach…so I am writing for all sorts of social, emotional, relational, work, play, home and other categories of things one needs to pay Close Attention to (such as anything on the stove heating up or cooking a long time needing Constant Supervision, rather than just casual attention…I know that can sound weird but keep those bells and whistles of timers and others checking in as you can and Plan to Do Stuff in the Kitchen and so on to manage your activities… )
Okay now to post this in a timely manner, since we’re getting warm weather and yes, with protests going strong, let’s keep it as safe and reasonable as possible since many in charge or at large are Not Into Playing Fair and could be putting others at risk as a way of having collateral damage or acceptable losses or injuries. Let’s clarify what is desired and not over emphasize what’s wrong with this picture, life and more.
A historical review and acknowledgement of trauma and victim’s suffering is part of the healing and way to move forward as well. Clarifying boundaries and terms of engagement and employment, socializing and every kind of relationship can keep people hopping…but hoping too for more amends and real equality and support moving forward knowing The Whole World is Watching… and expecting better from everyone on every front. So plenty to do and good luck to all braving each new day with that sense of greater team, respect and accountability (even to have More Fun as Life Goes On, oh yeah…)
So in addition to the above ideas, I reflected on ways a community could post ‘No Swimming or Diving or Jumping’ signs where that is not safe to do so, even when the water is calm. Silt and debris can build up and also people can land in harmful ways, slip and hit their heads or go into cold water, etc. Swim where it is safe and supervised to do so. I have heard of someone calling for help with his friends thinking he was joking. Sadly they realized too late, he was seriously needing help maybe due to a cramp.
Hopefully people would think twice about going across without a life vest since the distance of needing to swim or the risk of tipping over in a storm that could kick up (or What have you) could occur. To some extent maybe dangerous areas could be gated better, have video or a block to a rock or place people want to jump from that is known to be dangerous… because “enough already…”
There is bungie cord jumping, there are amusement parks with trampolines and waterslides and rollercoasters (the latter I question seriously too, and maybe those are worth a google along with some of the crazier carnival rides) in America and advanced countries. More people could learn to run for fun or with some healthy competition and to work out (music likely helps some) which usually would use up that extra energy.
Learning to serious housework and do some basic gardening could prove valuable, as are basic skills of caring for someone and even first aid! Now there’s some exciting stuff. Even when climbing trees or hiking near and edge, watch for fall risks, especially in any stream with slippery rocks or a river with a current or strong beach action.
For those Really needing to do some free fall maneuvers, maybe we could make a capsule to allow for such antics and a waterslide for it to go in… We’re really spoiled up here in the land of the wild and free. If people could learn gymnastics, swimming, running and so on likely they could go easy on the gravity and wildwater adventures…
But I know there’s a whole lot more going on than we can begin to comprehend…Heading toward safety and sanity on all fronts (and some way one realm echoes and influences another, so good to mind one’s hands, feet, mouth, mind, and spending …among other things) What we’ve learned about physical and social distancing is that the crime rate, conflict level and busyness drops substantially, so we likely are ‘onto something’.
Then in turn we may tune into our own processes and see some goals to work toward..and maybe get a few things done that were hard to afford time and focus wise…
So keep the safety gear, helmets, vests and lights and cell phones handy in the ol’ back pack, trunk or front hall… Not easy having so many options and so few people wanting to think ahead to prevent problems but that’s clearly changing in these #GeoFlo2020Times (George Floyd, Say his name! and Move Forward with Justice for All) Ity takes a village to be a village and protect a village, day and night from wrong and promote what’s right!