Β is a link to NYC protests with police ‘getting aggressive’.
There is a lot to learn about.. Likely a comprehensive list of demonstrations, gatherings, protests and ‘riots’ would be important to gather…in each state, interventions and police reactions or initiatives of ‘control’, monitoring or aggression or violence. Injuries and forms of ‘assaults and chemicals, weapons such as rubber bullets, pepper spray, baton wielding or pushing, shoving or use of a vehicle or other forms of defense, offense, holds and arrests, cornering people or so on’ would be important to clarify’ for starters. So much of this is hard to believe, inconceivable, unbelievable but is also Undeniable!
“No Justice, No Peace…or as a friend has put a positive action step to that, “Know Justice, Know Peace’. We need to do our utmost to account for the kinds of harm, who was harmed or worse, killed. What is criminal, what needs to change and many other aspects of reform in society and particularly with the policing in each state and community.