The following invitation was shared via, a wonderful organization to learn about and support to promote many helpful programs around the world. The focus of these webinars is understanding what people can do to help ‘those in the trenches, doing the work for decades in their communities and finding ways to lend support of funds and joining in efforts as invited to do so. I am glad I prioritized this talk on a rather busy day (since I don’t know if there’s a replay or summary…)
I took a few notes and hopefully next time will be more on the ball still. There’s time to sign up for Part 2! Thanks to all involved, staying the course and leading the way to a better day for every person whose been ‘left behind’. We can and must do more and Now’s The Time! #BlackLivesMatter…women, men and children
“Philanthropy Together, in partnership with the Community Investment Network (a network of over a dozen African American giving circles across the country) will be hosting a two-part webinar series with Marcus Littles of Frontline Solutions to learn first-hand what is happening, hear directly from frontline organizations, and provide ways for giving circles to take action to address these pervasive issues in their own spheres of influence.
Full information about this webinar series can be found here:
In Part 2: Actions to Leverage Collective Giving in Support of Black Communities, what’s next? And what can giving circles do? How can we best use our collective dollars, time, and voice to advance equity in Black communities?
Join us for live workshopping and ideas from Marcus Littles of Frontline Solutions.
Focused Actions for Giving Circles & Collective Giving Groups, but everyone is welcome.”
As I can I will summarize more about the talk being shared via regarding ‘listening to those in role of leading and networking’ with Black communities in the Twin Cities of MN, New Orleans of Louisiana, and other cities in the US as well. The program Philanthropy Together
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