Ever have ‘one of those years’ (or a couple of them?) Keeping up with great projects is always a goal but sometimes, Life Happens (and yes, some of the COVID shut down which was akin to a notice I might have had a Livfully.org shut down which is why I scrambled to get this blog site going…yet alas, the person didn’t put them in chronological order.

So I’ve kept Livfully.org going as well and plan to carry those posts from the past year or so over here in order. Thanks a bundle for being part of the extraordinary experience…tuning in and hopefully getting inspired and informed along the way, sharing a bit as you can and reaching others with your own ideas and resources.

I am hoping to promote that sense of get up and GO (Get Organized) with your Dream Teams…yes, a team for each part of your life, the personal, social, professional, recreational and visionary…and caregiving which can be an added role for everybuddy in these times…no professional training needed just caring and checking with those online and in person about what kind of assistance may be needed, being aware there are laws and limits to what one can actually do or say but usually it’s okay to get info, ask questions and consider What If help were handy?

Think from the Big Picture a year or so in the future back to what is needed now from helpers and planners to doers and dreamers….and make some rough guidelines and time lines and then ‘fill in the blanks’…one day at a time and hopefully with more help coming along as needed in any department, even with back up and overlap. Okay need to get on with my day but wishing everybuddy a Happy Oak-tober.

See other posts that carry one throughout the year from Connecticut in the US to some seasons in Brooklyn NY and ventures about the states and Hawaii (that was in early 202o, just before COVID but Good Times that are carrying me and others through I’m sure.) Let’s pull together for all the good people and causes in our

Hugs and hope everyone has support on the bridge from ‘life to death’ and beyond which I shared in a recent letter in The Lakeville Journal of CT on tricornernews.com.