– Governor Cuomo Signs Executive Order to Reinvent and Modernize Police Strategies and ProgramsGovernor Cuomo signed an Executive Order “The ‘New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative’ β€” requiring local police agencies, including the NYPD, to develop a plan thatΒ  reinvents and modernizes police strategies and programs in their community based on community input.” (from online)

This video of the signing of a new bill by NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is a valuable way to wrap us this week in June 2020 before the US Flag Day… consider the many implications for how when the bar is raised to create greater safety, awareness, policies and practices for justice, all ships rise!

Legacies of those who perished due to violence, neglect or ignorance of such efforts will be honored as we move together with a much better game plan and chance for shared success.

Let US All be part of the forces ‘ driving the bUS for US-All…to prevent harm and decrease danger through PLANS, People, Places (and policies) Learning, Loving and Living with Agreements and Networking through Schools, Society and Socializing for Peace and Justice for All..
.”Know Justice, Know Peace!” ( In the words as someone close to me conceived and shared with me)

Let’s focus on what we do want and pursue it without second-guessing what is possible and how it will happen. Thoughts from David Adelson and many others…

Thanks to sharing positive action steps even if that means taking a rest and focusing on the miracle of every breath….that’s the kind of thing that has been emphasized as the ‘hair the broke the camel’s back’ or far worse was literally the disaster that has happened over the centuries.

We are not evolving with love and seeking forgiveness and a way to make amends but banning choke hold and such maneuvers (hopefully including kneeling on someone’s back which also can prevent the lungs from expanding to be able to fill with air) or pressure on one’s throat (which can keep the oxygen from reaching one’s brain).

We have to have a better understanding medically of what any ‘intervention’ or restraint or action can have on a person (and consider the size and health of the person as well.)

Sadly a woman only in her early 20s died after being pepper-sprayed. More advocacy for safe protesting and exit pathways without pursuit need to be in place also.

Let’s think carefully about ways to allow more people to ‘protest virtually’ alongside any actual protest if there are health concerns and understanding that one or more people can disrupt what is intended and cause conflict, harm or even fatalities. We are mainly uniting as people with care and concern for our society, yet some are insisting or likely being paid to disrupt such efforts.

Thanks to all braving speaking out in any forum (again prioritizing one’s safety as much as possible, so anonymously counts too.) Be a witness and find ways to ‘intervene without putting one’s life on the line as much as possible.’

Practicing, role-playing, having plans and back up plans would all make sense for a number of situations… which could be on a checklist and shared with others, to pick up more pro-active strategies and ways to have forums online, with follow-up and yes, bring it to the streets and other venues as well.

Posters, personal conversations to build connections and do some advocacy and sharing all makes a difference. Gov. Cuomo and Rev. Al Sharpton speak to their collaboration over many decades and seeing the fruits of their efforts born out, with Gov. Cuomo publicly thanking Rev. Al Sharpton for his leadership with many other groups for years. Best to all as this day unfolds with new ways to clarify What Needs Fixing!