Submitted by livfully
on Thu, 01/14/2016 – 18:09

When we discover important posts on facebook, how many take time to “share” it with the public? Is it safe to do so? Not always, so more forums to ‘spread the words to put down swords’ of despair, inaction, confusion, isolation, and poverty on all levels are rising up just in the nick of time. I hope you take a few minutes to share before you look at the site in case you forget to do so.

Maybe you will be motivated to Take Action and forget seeds of ideas and Take Action before you watch and see results return to you 1000-fold..many thanks! Now enjoy your viewings of and share responses in the comments section–favorites and more! See ‘Woodbine’ in NYC  too for ideas of building new think tanks..and see for help for women getting to safety and keeping or reconnecting with their children.

Google ‘making divorce pay’ in CT and again or to tune into concerns ALL women and men need to be more cognizant of regarding Relationships and realize any people sharing a housing area, private or family, friends or whatever need to know the Laws and Best Practices to avoid conflict and undue stress for all parties over time or even if something comes up out of the blue.

See ways to Write Ideas Down and Document Concerns or Situations and do a little each day, week and month to chart progress (including going out for a few hours, talking online or on the phone as its safe–maybe from a different spot or someone else’s phone–or calling an agency such as 2-1-1 (or in NYC 3-1-1, etc). You are Not Alone..or A Loan..but rather we are ALL ONE! Tune into new better ways to address matters and stay safe, civilized and cared for in all ways with support! It’s like Winning the Lottery. only may prove life saving which is Even Better!