There’s and online replay of the 5G Summit which summed up says ‘Say No to 5G’. One comment I saw spoke to my heart…and may also speak to yours…

I quote: I have watched Rewired from Dr. Joe Dispenza and I have learned that our heart is the biggest EMF of our body and that could expand up till 3 meter around is. One can achieve this by achieving heart coherence (more Love in us and around us). I wonder if we all achieve activate our personal EMF will that protect ourselves from the exogenous EMF that surrounds us on a natural way? Has there been any studies on that?

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Here are a few more comments from the 5G summit posts..

“Thank you all so much for this historic live-stream discussion, the recent invaluable 5G Summit, and the critically important information. Thailand has been an electrosmog disaster-in-progress for many years, and with the imminent addition to the mix of 5G, we are at a tipping point. There is very little awareness about the dangers, and absolutely no protections or safeguards especially for the children.

As a permanent Bangkok resident of several decades, the information and guidance you are providing and have given, is enabling my family and a handful of like-minded friends and colleagues, here in Bangkok, to establish a small group here in Thailand, to begin educating, mitigating and addressing this impending, unprecedented health danger.

As our efforts progress, it is re-assuring to be able to call upon and have the support of the information, expertise and resources that you have all selflessly made available.

We would welcome getting in touch and sharing with others, particularly in Thailand, with similar understanding and views. Search for  the subject header of “Electrosmog Free Thailand.” (I did not include his email but will see if that’s okay.)

Another comment:

turn and look at our website.It will solved your problems and worries once and forever. We have lots of happy customers in Australia, many of the doctors.You better just buy real protection and stop spending money to listen all around… Or you even loose possibility to listen and understand anything from this deadly 5 G satellites! Act now, until it is not too late! From 5 G water and blood start boiling in your body, this is DEADLY! REZOTONE USB most best protection against 5 G on the planet. : video !
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And Another Comment: Before the 5G summit I had no idea about the harmful effects of 2-way microwave radiation coming from cell towers, routers, cell phones, iPads, ect. Now that I do know this, I feel I have a moral obligation to share this. I am a third grade teacher and we have Smart classrooms. My students have headaches and nose bleeds every day and they can not focus! I’m starting this week by asking my friends and fellow teachers to watch Generation Zapped because not a single one of them has heard about this topic. I know the movie is basic but it is a simple start. Next will be getting the superintendent of my school district to get on board and also the principal of my school.

Next Comment:The derogatory term “conspiracy theory” was created by the C.I.A. in 1967 to disparage “TRUTHERS”, another negatively tainted word, in order to shut down those who wouldn’t believe in the WARREN COMMISSION farce. Just like the 9/11 Commission