Submitted by livfully
on Sat, 12/12/2015 – 13:00

 As Hannukah comes to a close, which conveys the Jewish experience of oil burning for 8 nights when there was only ‘enough for one night’ and is a sign of the God’s grace and miracles, a group of school children and adults were enchanted by the Grumbling Gryphons theatre troupe who acted out two trickster tales with inspiring messages:

Do not let anyone steal your light–whether the sun, moon and stars (and by association, clean air, water, and way to live and provide for your family and others on our small singular planet) or your inner light of free will, respect and self-preservation, ideally through shared communal living such as the animals in the forest, particularly the vegetarians, but even those consuming fish tend to do…share and share alike, but if there are bullies about beware. Non-violent self-defense was shown by a skunk in a second tale who stood up to a bully by not lifting a finger but by lifting her tail.

Sharing this humorous story is another way of lifting up a tale of collaboration and inspiration (not mace but who knows, maybe have that in case, whether out in the woods or where most people are good but maybe one or more will push the healthy limits of human free will and take more from others than is fair and safe. That was not in the show but is being promoted by more self-defense efforts, even those for women to learn to stand strong, trust gut feelings, err on the side of greater distance, saying no to getting in dicey situations (even into a car or going with others who may be problematic or of illl will whether related, usually in one’s ‘friends and acquaintenaces circle’ or especially if there have been one or more times of conflict or concern.

When in doubt, think it out with others on the phone or online, or in person even with a newfound friend or hotline agency that could be found on or by calling 2-1-1.) Now back to the show, or better yet, how about looking them up on youtube to make your own connections to stories shared by The Grumbling Gryphons whose founder Leslie Elias who also plays key roles has brought along a veritable sea of friends over the years, just in time to promote peace and prevent more climate change destruction such as in The Ghost Net Mystery which addresses the dilemma of the oceans being polluted and destoyed.

Moreover the message may become part of the global chant, “We better think of something quick, We better have a plan or a trick?” Clap twice after each question, repeat with friends and brainstorm away, (even pray if you feel okay about that with a sense of a greater love and history of care from people,nature, all sentient caring beings and those yet to come as well as those who have crossed over and the divine as that may all fit into your sense of possibility when you are awake and when you are ‘asleep’ (or maybe more spiritual but just rebooting your physical vessel while  you tend to ‘higher missions, messages and connections.’

There are new International Torture Reporting Laws to protect anyone from reporting abuse in the world as of 2008. Somehow that has not been conveyed to the masses and regular people, but the seed was planted.

Dr.Sha has written a great deal in his special healing books (which even hold a healing energy he says as does his calligraphy, various short chants of numbers such as 3396815 which in Chinese reads (say quickly after learning, for about two minutes to really see how it affects you. I’ve tried for over a year now and then but only do for 20sec usually, so give yourself months to do anything different…Here goes–)







woo”–worth writing down in a list and taking time to say a few times to try and he recommends saying for a couple of minutes and envisioning a healing energy in one’s body or as one lifts one’s hands (not tail) as though going to clap but about alike holding a grapefruit in front of one’s heart area/ center of chest where he says our souls dwells! Learn a lot more amazing ideas on He promotes respect for all spiritual beliefs and healing thoughts of love and peace.

His universal prayer he promotes people chanting before opening one’s eyes after sleeping is “The divine creates and prepares a new day for me.” (four times) Then he says tapping one’s soul (heart area, the center of chest) and saying “I love my heart and soul. I love humanity.  Join hearts and souls together. Peace, love, harmony. Peace, love, harmony.” Repeating that for a few minutes while tapping first the chest, then the solar plexus ( a message center he says conveys that to the rest of the body which is comprised of many souls and minds.), and then the lower back, the Snow Mountain point. Doing the tapping  with a closed fist first lying  down (on one’s side for  the back area), then sitting up, then standing and then walking about slowly is the  ideal for  both waking up.

The reverse order of walking around, then standing, then sitting then lying down would be the  way to head to bed by 9:30pm to be asleep by 10pm. Good thing people can record TV shows or watch them on hulu (or get summaries online if that exists. it should!) There’s much more to the theories and practices Dr. Sha shares so enjoy a bit as you can. Every small effort adds up to greater waves of love and peace which are ‘healing frequencies’ such as Leonard Horowitz (again see on youtube) promotes since we are 72% water/fluid. When our cells are balanced harmonically (528 Hertz frequency which can  be done with music or a tuning fork, yes  that can be obtained online so google away).

These simple ideas, not even that different than learning some Soft Belly breathing (such as was described on with a guest on the On Being show Sunday, Dec.6th, 2015. Breathe in saing, “Soft’, breathe out saying, :”Belly”. Pregnant moms and people in general would benefit from some of that, even practicing a restful time with eyes closed and seeing an inner smile in one’s belly area, especially if one has a passenger on board or is holding a little one (or anyone else).

Breathing quietly together can be healing, or if someone is upset, going to a quieter pace in one’s breath and thinking can be calming for the other.  Maybe at first they will be upset by you not engaging and mabye they will yell or blow off steam, maybe even glean an insight (not always poetically mind you) into what anger lies beneath their presenting anger or other feeling whether sadness or confusion.

That was the message on Supergirl to get the holiday season off to a roaring start. While at first Kira denied being  angry more than a bit annoyed, she later found herself feeling her hurt of having to leave her family, live on a new planet and other mixed feelings as she fought with an enemy and sent burning laser beams of anger and fighting energy to destroy (or at least seriously disable) her opponent.

Now that we’ve circled the planet with Native American or Native tales as well as mystical messages from long ago in Israel and The Far East, and back into modern times, enjoy the rest of this winter season and each part of the year and this decade learing to 2020 when hopefully more of US will know we have a choice, a voice and can make some healing noise to protect ourselves, others and pacha mama (the  planet) in peace and harmony (and harm-not-me).

Send concerns or ideas my way at and read  through other posts to learn some new ways to address age-old issues. See some youtubes on the spiritual sciences which seem to pick up just where quantum science was leading..the bigger questions of which came first, matter or enery/ spirit.Most big thinkers say fhe latter. See ideas on or Edgar Cayce who says all that we see emanates from the spiritual realm into the thought or sensation realm then into the emotional and physical realm. Actions also are begen from a ‘higher plane’ and have consequences, not unlike the theory of karma holds..

.We reap what we sow (intentionally or not, so that’s why it’s very helpful to doublecheck what and why we are doing things and with whom, etc, since we are affected, intentionally or by association, by the actions or inactions of others.) On that note, howl-alleluia (an indication that the animals and world and others are counting on US-All and we need help from on high) and “A-Ho!”

On a final note for now about the Grumbling Gryphons, these were the kinds of shows my kids readily joined in and luckily the kinds of communities we were part of when all seemed dandy with the world in terms of no immediate troubles.

The kinds of challenges many face after having children, in terms of separation or conflict, legal battles for divorce and custody issues, lower income or job changes not of one’s choosing, same with living situations and then accidents and tragedies  (such as the strange turn of events which our son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton was central to on June 16, 2009 when he was 16 and ended up being held by strong river currents even while his friend he’d gone in to save was rescued which was a tale of bravery on the rescuer’s part, undue risk on the part of all the youth and parents allowing them to go to a dangerous river or not knowing where they were–including me even though I had tried to prevent that in general I was not diligent enough in insisting on accountability from ALL OTHER ADULTS and YOUTH who were with my minor children whether I lived with them or not–Something that could be a NEW NATIONAL  STANDARD For All Caregivers, Teachers and Parents Voluntarily to UPHOLD! Likely many other mishaps would also be avoided, but glaringly dangerous ones would be less frequent such as not drinking and driving is a wider held ethic and promotes safety where before no standard existed informally or legally), even natural aging or passages such as elderly dying, all can rock one’s world.

To recreate the good times in some of the same places if healing even if challenging. Some promote bringing new people or places into one’s life. Travels and new connections in person or by phone, through support groups or interests can be helpful on the path of transition and crafting a life anew. Find ways to feel and heal your life experiences and the overall stories in one’s towns and larger circles. Bring in the divine, the folklore, the imagination and see what seeds are planted and become dreams when sleeping or waking. The journey could surprise you and even if challenging, enlighten you and many more. Thanks for sharing this post or others as you can. Dream on.