I shared the following with a hundred or more folks on groups about healthcare and advocacy. We are realizing help today is needed to introduce people to basic health (getting Off sugar, soda, smokes and drinks with alcohol or sugar including non-diluted juice and unhealthy carbs in large quantities for starters.)

Thanks to all pursuing the next steps toward team-building (even with friends online) and other supports, such as good talks on youtube and lots more.

There’s such a need for this info for preventing diabetes and eating well for health (and sleeping regularly with some exercise as is safe and appropraite too.) Maybe a non-profit could be started to help more people learn from the get-go how and why to eat things..and be aware of early signs of imbalance.

There are some important ideas about community foundations  and outreach efforts (and a new program  from David Adelson (podcasts) called “Here We Come to Save the Day” (maybe he can host Dr. Ritamarie whose a wonder woman when it comes to teaching thousands about insulin resistance and more etc…)

This sample is of Cami Baker and she has a special real estate program to help people donate real estate to non-profits…

The Charitable Real Estate Program (or thereabouts, described toward the end of this talk https://youtu.be/EeGKJwd1ebU) Many other episodes and some free stuff from David to help decrease stress and help people (and some for sale for a larger group or energy. I have known of his work for years.