is the site about Isabella Wentz’ journey from having a serious thyroid issue for years to healing. She paints a bleak picture for what the medical community can and will do to Prevent Thyroid decline and autoimmune problems and disease. Women and even men are often misdirected to think about their mental health, stress, or other ‘explanations’ rather than being charted and respected. Often even very intelligent people do not know to keep checking and insist on better follow through with other doctors. Many medical people Miss the Whole Process ‘until it’s advanced.”
Then the prognosis doesn’t get better in terms of addressing the causes of symptoms or even the symptoms of difficulty functioning, feeling cold, getting dizzy or vertigo, memory issues, weight gain, skin issues and more. Difficulty with getting pregnant and maintaining a pregnancy are also masked symptoms, too often missed.
Many other autoimmune diseases can morph out of thyroid imbalance (a rather downward spiral process.) So GET EDUCATED… Consider the ideas she and others present. They break the news that Hashimoto’s Disease can be very illusive to diagnosis and may not show up much in someone’s general health (they Look Okay.) Many symptoms can be tricky, with tiredness, coughing, digestion problems and others (such as genetic conditions such as a family history which can show up as elevated antibodies.)
There are some tests to get such as TSH ( ideally below 2) to see if the antibodies are elevated.In addition, it is good to get 3T3 and 3T4 Anti-thyroid antibodies and Reverse (something..). Nuances of these tests could indicate a biological condition rather than a mental health matter. Sub-clinical hypothyroidism can be part of depression that gets missed. If TSH is high, depression can also be caused by that. (8 Weeks to Vibrant Health is a program mentioned recommending these kinds of tests.) Symptoms can include depression, tiredness, confusion, weight and digestion issues, low libido and much more such as vertigo, cold body temperature and much confusion.
There is much to learn and appreciate. Mental health issues can be claimed to be the case. and psychiatric medication is prescribed yet often misguided. For every five women diagnosed with thyroid disease (30-40 percent of women), one man is diagnosed with it. Often tiredness in women is labelled as depression not a thyroid issue. The medical schooling and psychologists are not trained to direct people to having a good physical and look at the possible biological or dietary causes.
Keep reading online and reaching out for help whatever your needs… and none of this is medical advice or legal advice.. it’s just what I’ve been learning and hope to share in a timely way. All the best…