MeganCole.Net, Daniel Reichart photography, and other sites have popped up on my evening scroll, plus lots from Shahin Jedian…and this

Richard Rudd is the founder of Gene Keys, a complete map of the trajectory of human evolution. Its purpose is to unlock the great reservoir of genius that lies inside you and bring you into a deep state of harmony with every aspect of your life.

 On Unify, Raamayan and Blu will be interviewing Richard about his upcoming programs and about how Gene Keys can be best used and applied for theesee times.

Whose familiar with the site of fireflies on a summer night in the country, when one can chase about and catch them. It’s not too hard to do if they land and blink a few times. It’s a bit trickier but also possible to catch them on the little airplanes they have their blinking lights yet don’t fly to far or fast. Well, that’s how it is for me this evening. having set two times aside to do zoom meetings to reflect on the life and legacy of our teen son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton. I spoke with a few folks I’m close to earlier in the day.

Then I went to an online regular friendly meeting for an hour and a half. People shares tales of ‘black holes’ which have a mystery and power about them. I had reflected on something I cared about which was, you guessed it, our son Kaelan..his life and legacy as he spent his last moments on earth risking everything to save a friend..who miraculously was saved.

Maybe this could be called Recount Miracles Day and get more people chiming in about times they pulled through (and that would count every pregnancy and birth…and even aspects of carrying a child however long one may have even if there were a miscarriage or still birth. Those are tough topics and yet can hold as much meaning for parents and the being in human form as any.

The time and meaning of our lives is open to interpretation. Now I’ve heard many genetic or physiological reasons a miscarriage may occur…but in the past it was anyone’s guess and likely some things (like taking hot baths or showers, exercising a lot or who knows what..things like flips and jumping or going to fireworks or other loud events, even movies I’d say to be on the safe side..since the volume can be quite loud especially in something like Star Wars…just imagine the hearing of a baby in utero is sensitve as is their spirit  so no need to overstress of possibly impact them negatively, injuriously or fatally) were not mentioned as things to avoid if wanting the pregnancy to continue.

These are tough topics to even bring up since many people ‘want people to stay out of their own business.’ The idea that a growing fetus has ‘rights’ if being kept is likely a new one but may gain in popularity and hopefully could provide ways for people to support efforts to help all pregnant women get ‘safe and sober, even with private adequate housing if that is a concern. Most homeless women are abused or fleeing abuse, so there’s plenty of chance Housing Would Help!’ I have met many people on hard times or on the brink of that and it’s no picnic.

After Hurricane Katrina (yes a long time ago now) I thought everyone would be watching out for eachother more than we’ve managed to. Now more protests are happening to ‘right the wrongs of the past, not just with police but with society…and maybe not just for blacks but for all people of abuse (women and children) and many minorities… Hispanic, Asian and Others…’

The white privilege is one that is being discussed and explored… I may tune in to a talk from Jeanne Street (or for a replay) as well as with what is promoting to have protests on June 19th, 2020. I’ts been a big enough day for me so far and I have one other talk I’d like to hear at 8:30pm if I can stay awake to enjoy that… and get a walk in too, and maybe listen to another program I meant to keep up with (see what I mean about time being in short supply or open to interpretation…if a day isn’t long enough likely no life is either..but the meaning unfolds in every minute, active or passive… Okay thanks for spending a bit of Today With Me…

Another person today shared about Belonging…longing for it or being grateful for the sense of it from over one’s lifetime and seeking to have more of it with caring friends and even online gatherings. Hope everyone is finding their tribe and feeling more a part of the large one to which we all belong and can benefit from as we work as the Dream Team in Action…Best to everybuddy with Big Love from Above… from a new zoomer with more than 40 minute meeting capacity, oh yeah! I made a 3 hour recording today, so I’m off to a great start capturing some video to share my story and views. Peace and light both day and night. HugEnergy and Ciao for now!