Toxic Diet Anyone? Oh yes, most of America is addicted to just that. He says it’s like hitting your hand with a hammer (or having one’s doctor do that…)
He got talked into going to medical school when he tried to talk a woman out of doing that. She said he should go change things. So that’s pretty much what he did. He shares six case studies about a nutritarian diet…full of antioxidants with a high nutrient density.
Get a lot of nutrient bang for each caloric buck, he shares. Instead of nutritionally-deficient foods, opt for healthier food. The terrible diet we’re eating seems like a form of terrorism he offers.
Then he uses some fancy terms about how the link between IfG1 in white flour and white sugar which creates cancerous conditions. The good foods include greens, beans, berries, onions and mushrooms… among others. Then he gives the inspiring examples of people healed from rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and lost 200 lbs (and that’s the first case study…)