Tue, 04/04/2017 – 23:09
While it’s hard to get to everything one would like to listen to and learn about, some oldies but goodies to be aware of are making waves on the internet and in many programs large and small. Not on mainstream media or society but plenty just a few leagues out from there. Sports, the arts, creative thinkers and artists all tune into ‘energy fields’, some in direct ways with pushing limits physically or using strategies to create and others more from a place of connection with the earth, others, the stars, guides (here and in spirit) and so on. Well, how does one stumble upon some fairly reputable folks to be tour guides (if that is permissible to one in light of their culture, religion and social circles?)
Many things can be worth getting more information about before studying in depth or trying on one’s own or even with a few who know a little something. I have written elsewhere on this blog about the many conflicting theories about what is important and what is not recommended, even among various healers, so it’s not a clear highway to health and healing. Still someone like Nick Polizzi (see Sacred Science also), who is one of the speakers I listened to on the free session, gave many key points to ponder from his explorations and personal experience. I need to get some vitamin Sleep right now but hope to tune into a few more talks during the Summit. A little over the long haul can help one find more ways to address issues and consider one’s life experience.
The information from Suzanne O’Brien and some following along those lines of ‘naturalizing the dying and death process’ (including the elusive funeral and burial process which is often more costly to a family and toxic to the planet than any have time to ponder at a delicate time) is another area to care about for oneself and others in a tmely and team-oriented fashion. Some of her inspiration came from seeing how people cared for one another in villages in Zimbabwe. Often people the world over have key similarities for caring for one another and supporting each other socially if not in more practical ways. Friends from Mexico shared with me that ‘old people never live alone’ there.
They live with family and everyone includes them and cares for them. That’s what they told me briefly and said it seemed strange to see so many in this country not having close contact with their family. I have felt that way about the distance that has come between mothers and children, some due to necessity and some by choice (or a combination of both.)
These are pressing matters politically now. Trump’s administration has proposed all mothers who receive benefits should have to go back to work two months after the birth of a baby.
Canada and other countries set examples of how investing in good care for a mother (or father) and their child is beneficial to the child (oh yes, why not consider the direct benefit to the recipient of consistent care in a family setting…and why not provide ample supportive programs for that to be an enriching time for everyone since it is A Job as well.) When children are cared for well, they thrive and often learn more effectively and cooperatively.
The benefits have been mapped out in terms of the high costs of not having good care, from low birth weights to failure to thrive in school and then landing in the court or prison system at higher numbers than need be. Many have mental health challenges which are not addressed readily in our American culture and agan end up in prison almost by defaulth. The Faith Behind Prison Bars in Hartford CT on Aprile 22nd, 2017 speaks to these issues
Another book about Prisons in America I heard about ‘by chance’ a couple of years ago described the landscape of prisons as one needing to let many people go back into society because it’s too costly not to do so. More communities need to think of ways to help youth and others succeed enough and have team support to not end up doing crime and doing time
. Our planet needs ‘all hands on deck’ to turn our ship around and figure out a future for many more people on boart than we currently have. With improved health and care, many people are living longer. We have plenty to do and ways to honestly know they matter a lot and can be part of the solution with a team effort. Thanks for being a parth of that positive scenario (and even getting good sleep as I’m aiming to do right about…Now!)