Sat, 04/08/2017 – 10:04
Seeing a post by Marshall Miles got me thinkin’. Also one from Bill Palmer (a report online) that spells out some dismal Possibilities.. clearly lots to learn but also more to dream about for world and intergalactic peace.
What if this is still a training ground for understanding the much bigger playing field of which we are all a part? Also the struggle for men the world over to accept that ‘they can’t have babies (in this life time) may be in a strange way at a deep level a way for men to convince others the world round that war is necessary.
Maybe ‘taking a life’ is like “making a life’ in terms of the power and big change that occurs. I am not saying we are Conscious of any such notion, but The Burning Times, a film from a few decades ago, describes how most of the world honored women for their ability to give birth and nurture infants and young children (recall the way little ones were nursed for millenia by their biological mothers or thereabouts?)
We’ve lost the Wisdom and honor as well as somehow got way off track with the notion that each family had to rear its own progeny. Overnight (in a manner of speaking) the Property rights that inherently belong to a woman giving birth and nursing an infant got transferred like a deed of land to the Father!
Amazing what a few strokes of ink can do. Then the state got cozy with the nice notion of first mandating schooling for all children (near or soon after factories had children working in them for endless hours.)
These dynamics of the powerful (too often supposedly backed by G-d who did allow Judges but often they’d become corrupt, see the problem?) Most of society does not want to consider how important personal response-ability is to know what decent and fair treatment of any person, regardless of age, gender or other standing or status, is.
They want someone else to have parental oversight (each parent watch Their Own Kid or kids, even their own elderly or maybe a tenant or neighbor or church member, but that’s going out on a limb of care many are not comfortable with especially in this age of Liability.
Anyone who can be sued likely will be sued…especially in small towns where many problems can take on grander than grand proportions and ‘there are only so many people to start with and mostly they are moving out, aging or feeling the pinch of needing to pay more to maintain or to get less, even for public schooling etc.
That’s Every Small Town in America and likely that ‘s all part of a plan to force or invite more than half of America to Live in Cities by 2050.
Standing Rock fighting for its tribal sacred rights to land and water will be every other community begging Big Gov to not shove or coax their villages to become ghost towns (or condemned due to a possibly biological contamination as Global Report 2000 indicates may be unfolding as we type and speak..) With so many pressing major concerns, who has time for fun and games? What kind of bright future can be hoped for if it’s doom and gloom time as though living in the Middle East?
Steven Greer has some hopeful answers and on many levels we can all begin to ponder the amazing possibilities that we have already live for millenia and maybe were either gender even among various species to learn some lessons of how to operate matter as in our bodily form(s).
While it it sad in ways that men can never carry a baby in their body during their mortal lifetime, maybe they can collectively and individually find ways to connect with the Possibility that They have done so or will do so in other lifetimes. Then the need to ‘connect in a strange, backward, bloody manner (making up for all the periods they can’t have and not that it’s all that much fun, it likely is linked to the deeper knowledge and connection with the earth many women feel.)
Then there is the newer understanding that the two sides of the brain (which some refer to as Two brains, or give that second brain designation to the ovaries or other hormone-producing organs..are we our hormones? That comes along as a logical question after asking are we our thoughts, since more and more, scientists are describing us all as really mainly being about a cup of matter or stuff. We are mainly comprised physically of water (72%, I think).
Water is mostly space so that’s where what we have left is ‘not much’. We weigh a lot due to gravity… imagine all of us like walking water balloons or as I poetically have thought of over the decades as trees who walk the earth. It’s a lovely garden we live in, with beautiful earth beneath out feet as Carol King likes to sing and most people around the world appreciate.
But after childhood (which is getting shorter by the minute) life gets rather serious in terms of how to survive and keep up physically and otherwise longterm. As lovely as computers and cell phones may be for making us feel like one big slumber party of gabbing and brilliant buddies, the RF (radio frequencies) and EMFs (Electromagnetic Frequencies) may “NOT BE GOOD FOR” Us in this case.
Some people are more aware of the effects and the last twenty years has seen the earth blanketed with more RFs and Wi-fi than any besides the experts in those fields could predict, such as Blake Levitt. She tapped me on the shoulder one day and asked if I was concerned about local school having wifi. When I asked if I should be, she directed me to her books and research groups online (a bit of irony there, but again, there seemed to be the option of landlines versus radio towers. )
Now there is a cell tower less than a mile from a high school and most likely are wireless a few times over in cities and in dorms at private schools and colleges. Makes one dream of living back on the farm. Maybe there is way to ‘decrease exposure or counteract the harm’. Some are warning against having our population ‘chipped’ with technology.
The last sacred ground as it were, our own bodies, are likely going to be the next war zone. Steven Greer and many others say there are already plenty of ‘mind control’ programs and likely usage, And we all know we’re being spied on day and night, anywhere, everywhere.
So back to the basics a bit better informed and open to ponder in circles of thinking and even dreaming up better ways to Cope. See more on and let’s aim toward ‘wisdom, health, talent and friendship’ with ourselves and others. Some say we inherit not only genetic DNA for physical traits but emotional and other experiential residue or information..maybe to help us survive and thrive.. if we know how to drive with all that input and with support (but watch those mandates…)