Fri, 10/09/2015 – 15:54
Thanks for your honest response, Carl and to others who took a moment to read some or all of my first response. We could choose to have a 12-step type respect that doesn’t judge, but I appreciate honest feedback and hope you can allow others who sound anything like me more consideration in how you share Your Opinions.
Someone said lawyers don’t need to make a good argument as much as they need to knock the credibility or insult the argument or speaker, so that bulldog approach may work in some circuits but I’m headed toward world peace such as promoted by Humanity’s Team of Global Oneness Day on Oct. 24th.
That is often the case with the way or topic and ideas I share..people ‘don’t get it, can’t hear it and cannot consider what on earth (or elsewhere) I am talking about’.
The strange thing to me is that I also couldn’t think this way readily about twenty years ago..
Everything needed to be cut and dry, logical and left brain oriented. Even double meanings of words, jokes and brainstorming were puzzling to me. Even though I went to church weekly, it was hard to really see the connections, but eventually (maybe after a year of philosophy from Heracles to Socrates/ Plato and his image of the Cave where people believed the shadows were real until they came Out of the Cave into the Light (and bigger perspectives) did things start to click.
A dozen or so programs at Crystal Essence, and dozens more in parenting, mediation, education and years of dance and seeing theatre and having some regular good times around our tri-corner area from riversides to mountain tops also helped me open up my thinking and allowed me to express myself freely…and yes, that was basically one long response from brainwaves to keyboard, unedited.
I could try to number the paragraphs so folks could read one or two at a time over the course of a week, but going to the websites like could save everyone a lot of time and $millions as a country (since domestic violence is a costly business to toy with in the courts, which sadly is basically what happens in reality across the country regardless of the new laws and guidelines.
The judges and systems fall woefully short and not only women and kids lose their sense of humanity (see the book by Evan Stark called Coercive Control, who I got to hear speak at a national Battered Mothers Custody Conference which is open to advocates and women who have been burned by the system…and sadly let’s not disregard the thousands of women (often healers and midwives who used herbs and were forced off land by sheep herding in England as were others who could no longer access the good land to garden.
The introduction of sugar ( another secret weapon responsible for creating epidemics and claiming lives) historically has also gone unnoted.
The junk food industry is not far behind the prescription drug industry in destroying people’s health..and some would argue the vaccines are not the blessing they claim to be. Still, ‘We Don’t TALK about Most Things that Matter on a Daily Basis whether what we put in our bodies or what we say or how we relate to one another”.
That makes for a silencing epidemic which can augment the efforts of many destructive corporate agendas and even local and national business and legal values which seem to reign.
The Property Rights of people seem a great fighting ground again with only a few folks doing the math to realize no one lives in a bubble. Taking things from nature, or historically men taking ownership of women and children without a clear understanding it was a privilege not a right and needed to have reasonable guidelines to prevent abuse and to allow a wife or mother of children to live apart if not sever ties completely.
That is still an issue being battled yet not described clearly by any but a handful of advocates. The best practices have been well researched and documented and that is to allow a mother full custody of her children (and I would hope she would have a lot of support from family and friends socially, economically, and practically) if she is being intimidated, threatened by her husband with the loss of her children either by legal means or by harming any family members or forcing lengthy, costly legal battles to obtain sole custody for himself (which abusive men often do with huge amounts of support on all fronts that should actually be there for the women but aren’t.)
Sadly, sixty thousand women lose custody or access to their children if they begin to identify the harm done to them (which automatically translates as a form of child abuse yet even social service systems will split hairs and deny the risk if the abuse does not happen in front of the children.)
See the work by David Mandel (gotta love that the word Man is in there, especially like most men, he’s a Good Guy.)
He runs NOVA (non-violence alliance) and is helping people around the country such as Child Protective Service Agencies to comprehend the ways they also may have been holding women to a higher standard of protecting their child, not working with them even though International Human Rights Laws say to Keep the Children with their Biological Mother for their best outcome for safety whether during a natural disaster, emergency or time of conflict (war, fighting, etc).
Yes, I feel Moms should voluntarily allow for monitoring for sobriety and good self and child care…yet We Don’t Readily Offer that in most parts of the country. CHP is a wonderful resource and sets a great example in the Great Barrington area and Berkshire county that others could emulate today.
More faith groups, libraries and even schools could offer ‘wrap-around’ care services for children, support for their parents and families and keep the good vibes flowing, ideally with clear rules for not hitting anyone or intimidating them with yelling, throwing things, wielding weapons (or allowing unlocked guns even if not loaded) to be in homes, cars and so on where someone could come across it.
This all may seem like ‘too much rambling again’ and that’s okay if that’s how it lands with you. You have the right not to read what I write, not to listen to anything I say (just plug your ears– more than one person has– and write me a letter you don’t send if it’s too dicey). This is America and anyone can say what they want but again that’s maybe best kept to themselves before sending to someone, putting online or sharing even anonymously since some of that can be traced.
These are the hidden forces that keep people from taking time to know what they are thinking or feeling about see Youtube videos by David Adelson and Gifts From Devotion site (there are pictures and silent DVDs and CDs which can help shift energy and even help protect one on many levels.
Likewise healing chants and numbers from promote inner balance and harmony (the basic invites a connection with the divine forthe day by putting one’s hand over one’s heart center or chakra–not unlike the pledge of allegiance stance and intention but it’s to the divine not any country.
Dr. Sha says to do this before opening one’s eyes after a night’s sleep (which he says should be from about 9:30pm to 7am so the organ systems can be properly recharged by the stars (did you see that idea coming, I didn’t initially but it sounds good and it’s helped me as far as I know when I can do so.)
Ayurvedic traditions say similar things but have one awaking by 6am or so and eating and doing some yoga and meditation.
They have some simple diet ideas to help people get to sleep (kids too) and live with better digestion..what a way to achieve some insight and balance, and again work toward world peace one meal at a time by promoting breastfeeding and nutrition (although sadly many chemicals can be found in breast milk too, so more studies needed…)
The David Lynch Foundation promotes TM (transcendental meditation) for many students and underwrites the typical cost of about 1K per person which covers a few days of training sessions and ongoing support…and there’s a center in the Berkshires though I heard a talk in Florida as well so hope to get to that soon..
and Yes, it’d help to have the finances to pay for it for many, me included…Okay, that’s plenty for now and thanks for being involved or taking time to sit and allow the blessings to flow and be acknowledged as you can. Check out a couple other ‘out there but way cool sites’ to Think Bigger… (which I trained with their programs and find helpful) and
I encourage and welcome an apology from anyone for the tone of Carl’s message to help ease his karmic payback that may come from the universe..and realize ‘we’ve all been there’, feeling we could and should and would shut someone else up for whatever reason dawned us. We are Americans after all and are Entitled to speak our minds as we see fit but don’t want to actually allow someone else, especially a woman even if college-educated and a mother, her say.
That’s the kind of ‘violence’ that needs the light shed on it and Healed over time by remembering no one has the right to speak to us or write to us and we don’t have to take anything in, so ideally the Carls of the world would not have to get their dander up. He could say, “I found nothing helpful in that response and did not read it after the first line or two, or skimmed it and still felt it was not worth my time. I may never read another thing by this write and discourage the world from doing so also. ” The messages I have shared, albeit not in the simplest language and sentence structure possible but trust me better than long ago when I would talk for hours and hours (and write if I could take a few minutes from caring for others to do so).
Still, we reflect our times and examples.
If only we could have videoed the notes needed to be copied off two large blackboards and sitting through a speaking a mile-a-minute Michael McCarthy philosophy 1980s Vassar class of 1 and a half hours which met twice a week for a semester(and which I did for Pre-Socratic as well as Ethics and then sat in another semester class to get the second half of the history of philosophy).
I was hanging on every word and pulled through, feeling my life was changed for the better. Having faced some huge challenges that many don’t feel they could keep on living after, I feel ever grateful for the many people of all ages and walks of life who ‘gave me what they had to offer’ and whether I struggled painstakingly to comprehend the basics of psychology (Freud, yikes..), philosophy or religion and even art history ( a year’s worth of seeing slides and hearing about cathedral’s flying buttresses and paintings depicting the holiest and lowliest of humanity.
And yes I saw an optional set of talks on the porn industry and how most actors are not looking to do that line of work but were forced into it via drugs, paybacks, threats…
The underbelly of our society isn’t so pretty, and it’s been with us all along mostly in the realm of silence.
Now most of US know the harm done in the name of Corporate America and likely it will only get worse as over 50 corporations have more money than a country and make decisions we all have to live with.
Blowing the whistle on those who torture was only made legal and the law of the world in 2008 (and approved by most but likely not all countries, according to Tony Piel the former head of WHO–World Health Organization who submits erudite pieces to the Lakeville Journal of CToften) in a Treaty to protect all people who want to let on about torture ( and more allow for informing others of corruption or crime even in non-profits, faith groups and regular business and the military..but it’s Slow Going and likely could prove harmful if not fatal.)
Normally I would have been at work but got a little time free so thanks for letting me share these ideas in a timely way. I have been told I am a “projector” type person and have to pace myself and only share for a few hours a day so as not to exhaust myself..and also to speak only to those wanting some info from me…
Hope this landed with the right folks at this time or in the future.
Most of what I share I have learned from others and am trying to save time while there’s a chance to curb the overall decline of our heart at a time we can learn to listen (as someone use to shout at me, so while that person likely failed to ever do so at least they had tuned into the concept and maybe someday would do so and even consider apologizing with an action step..however realize some people could violate a restraining or protective order for trying to communicate to another even through a third party, sending a letter or gift of flowers if there is a ‘no contact’ order in place, so don’t recommend apologies for most until you know what’s what but the overall suggestion can be offered for a kind of intention or prayer for forgiveness for one and all which again is good medicine for the soul..) Do I hear an “Amen”? Amen to all this which means ‘may it be terms of the healing factors and forces..”
Most lawyers and law suits hail from people being wronged and insisting on justice if not ‘blood money’ or payment for their loss and suffering. Edgar Cayce says that is seldom justified if looking over the karmic scales of many lifetimes…strange but helpful to reference just in case. Let’s keep an open mind and learn from history and intend good for all for the sake of healing ourselves and others in harmony with plans from the divine…
I realize the safety net is small here in our country and outside forces are likely a big threat, I’m just taking a break from being caught up in the daily troubles and societal fears of more mass shootings.
If we cannot readily stop them with laws, maybe we need to work a program from many angles and seek more prevention with help for little people aka babes and kids, pregnant moms and so on.
Allowing each child to have a monthly (if not weekly) check in place (at a local school, faith group that is also open to civil programs not enclaves of silence when it comes to the law), then each child could be protected from not being cared for, and parents could be educated (voluntarily at first but eventually perhaps as the new deal for kids) about not yelling or hurting their kids or each other.
Some folks just don’t know what limits are possible and how to plan their day and get basic needs met. Without help, few people really function all that well. They count on some services or have had help from family and friends.
Circles of support need to be readily available to all, and these could be guided so people could help one another by sharing, trading time in a group so not necessarily helping the person one gets help from and so on.
More of a co-op model. More community meals and food programs that serve prepared meals or deliver food could promote eating well. Social circles also likely could pick up a lot of the slack.
The Prime Time house in Torrington CT and other mental health club houses and programs such as Nami (National Alliance on Mental Illness) have been striving for a few decades alongside 12-step programs and domestic abuse services to offer more support to the public.
They would benefit from collaborating and working with public and private schools and groups much as serves as a clearing house for information in most states often with some help to deal with a crisis as well whether online or by calling 2-1-1.
A team effort is needed like never before for many reasons (see ) in case you didn’t realize it. We may need to Rethink Everything (which and other efforts propose such as the Occupy Movement began). We will do better and hopefully find a new better normal for more folks. See other posts and add your comments as you can here or in your own journal and all counts!