Submitted by livfully
on Wed, 10/28/2015 – 19:48

While I have hundreds of ideas in the course of a week, it’s always nice to remember the idea of sitting quietly, and if it’s safe to do so, to Close One’s Eyes, Breathe and Relax and say a calm, “Thank You”. Now who or what you direct any thanks to can come next, if any. Just tuning into Gratitude as an Attitude for enjoying a moment and many moments in a day is an important start. There are ancient teachings on this and posters and bumper stickers (which my car has more than its share of and may have pros and cons in terms of distracting people or reminding them a person is in said Turtle Mobile–a green Suburu which could use an upgrade, hint, hint should some folks like to find a way to help with that one.)

After Being Calm (and again  maybe exploring ideas on or new ideas about our existence on who wrote a book Expect the Unexpected which is worth a read to consider the Theory of Our Intuition as well as being aware that some may get messages from the beyond or be like Bill Philipps who describes himself as a psychic medium, and cautions people to check such other folks in his line of work/ calling for their care, ability and reasonable rates. He says he feels people have that ability as a gift not as a skill anyone can develop.

There’s a lot to review in that arena and I am hoping all will take care with any people or ideas they entertain with reasonable precautions, respect for all parties and peer support. I officially will mention here that I have heard and also hope people will pursue things with an honest heart, integrity and sobriety and again social support. Isolation in its many forms can too often leave one without the kind of care that would be reasonable even if going on a journey about town whether by foot, bike, car or other transportation. In general using a buddy system with trusted people (even of the same gender as many social and religious groups promote) makes sense to keep things on an even keel for social situations or getting to appointments and so on.

Now back to gratitude, and picturing as David Adelson (whose on youtube and has a site with healing type photographs and silent DVDs on and offers some affiliate work. Along more practical lines, Alan Seid if offering an interesting program online (or via phone) called Blackbelt Finances (based on the book Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez). I’m learning more soon about promoting his work such as described on Cascadia Workshops on youtube. Thanks this Halloween season for playing it safe and keeping it simple, getting some sleep and remembering to eat between treats (and reasonable tricks), All the best to our political wizards and all forces working toward good for our countries, our climate, our conditions of living and transitioning (for refugees and others in dire straits.)

There’s plenty on our plates as Thanksgiving comes around to pray for and to nurture in ourselves and others as that may flow naturally and for the greater good. Finding the balance is the dance of life…Hugs from those here and in heaven and those a comin’ down for our collective benefit like peace flowing like a river, let’s be part of the healing on the team of the Life-Giver. Check out some folk songs along those lines on on youtube which is celebrating over 50 years of music making and getting the tunes to the people here and online and about the world with growing circles of singers at folk festivals and programs and even camp fires (again with safety in mind so as not to start forest fires…). Hats off to all finding harmonious ways to craft their lives and relationships to be win-win or at least mostly fair and friendly whether in families, in schools, at work, on the road or St. Elsewhere..even in our dreams. Let’s remember we are not alone but rather are all one and connected in many meaningful ways. Whatever your faith or walk of life, may that ring true for you and yours..Hugs and handshakes all around…