Learning about Computers, iPhones and all that jazz has been an adventure since word processing in college in the 1980s. I had a long hiatus (or break) from that for about twenty years, then learned about Email in 2004 after many family and friends said I should ‘get on the emails.’
I was more of a phone gal and that’s when I preferred corded phones to avoid EMFs and RFs (worth a google but now most homes and areas are covered with a blanket of RF, radio frequency from cell towers) as Blake Levitt predicted in her books. The FCC, Federal Communication Commission etc are not required to hear about the Health Effects of them. )
Then in 2009 I learned about Facebook with a ‘very sad reason indeed’ to see what people were sharing about the passing our teen son, Kaelan Paton. (Keep in mind getting a sense of life insurance to pay bills for any reason even for college loans such as in NJ where those are not forgiven if a student passes I learned recently is important for young adults or even minors to have for parents if finances are tight.
Often there is a school plan offered annually and is worth encouraging people to have if they do not have any other policy or even if they do maybe. Then remember that bank accounts need to be closed in a timely fashion if someone passes so that requires a bit of probate paperwork unless there are two people on an account or it is otherwise indicated on the account I believe. And Of Course Everyone Should Have a Will –but almost a third of the country does NOT.
Where’s the App for That?! Let me know if you are getting inspired to make one and keep the Common License of this blog in mind so we can all share the benefit of some people being better at planning and ‘facing the music’ than others. Likely more could use a ‘default will with their state’s info filling in a form’ then being able to alter it accordingly.
With all such information, keeping legal processes in mind such as having two witenesses, things notarized and stored safely –even a copy or two with important info in or near the refrigerator or other main spot in a RED Folder or other clearly marked folder or box would make sense for wills, insurance, organ donation or health representative orders or DNRs..do not resuscitate, etc) Again Where’s the App for that! And Keeping one’s passwords and Phones, computers and such Safe would be a high priority.
Likely I would have gotten around to that eventually,. I write about that and much more on this blog livfully which I began with someone’s help back in 2012 or so. Now in 2016 I’ve had an iPhone and am happy to have learned how easy it is to make calls from out in the big world, use email and take pictures (and send those too.) I have many apps others put on for me when setting up the phone, but didn’t really know about how to do that.
When an email for sending money to someone from my phone came up on my computer’s email, I thought That could be Handy…so I asked someone in the know and here’s what what was shared. Hope this can be helpful and I likely will do the App for Paypal since it’s a reputable company and I’ve been using it on my computer successfully (since I realize I have to pay a monthly minimum which can be set up for automatic payments and works well if I make sure I have Money in My Bank Account that it is linked to.)
If that seems obvious, that’s what I’m talking about and learned with a $25 dollar late fee that even with a credit available, those Minimum Monthly Payments or paying in full must be done if one has a balance. Just like a Credit Card, where Late Payments are incurred if the company doesn’t get post office mail in a timely fashion if one is sending a Check (that is handwritten and sent in an Envelope with the right Postage Stamp so it will be delivered.
I haven’t had a credit card to make payments on from a company other than my credit/debit card from my bank, so I don’t know what the Big Companies policies are, but all those Little Details are Very Important.) Even knowing if one has to Check their Online Banking Account monthly or otherwise to stay current with one’s bank, make some transactions (a certain number per month etc) with one’s debit or bank credit card to not incur fees, have a bank statement that one Opens by email or risk having paper ones sent which can cost 5 dollars per statement are nit-picky policies the banks likely spend big bucks and many weeks cooking up to make money off of people who are not quite paying attention or are not financially competent and consistent in those areas.
Ideally more people could team up if trustworthy and skilled to Walk Each Other Through having these skills and more (such as ynab, youneedabudget.com or mint.com I think or google other Budgeting Tools, and That’s a Reminder to Self as well…and any minors reading this and women and men who may need to brush up on Those skills.) Okay, so with Financial Literacy and more on one’s mind, here’s the Advice about putting an App on one’s phone whether to send money or do yoga such as with Yoga By Candace… why not keep all things in balance and remember to B-r-EEE-athe!
Your phone is a computer, so the same practices of computer security apply to the phone as they apply to the laptop. Namely,
- Pay attention of the “secure connection” lock symbol at the top left of the browser. Be careful around links in email and attachments that look suspicious.
- Avoid unencrypted wifi stations (those without passwords)
- Be judicious when deciding to install software, consider the trustworthiness of the author.
- Use a good password (your screen swipe), keep it locked when not in use, and encrypt the device.