Submitted by livfully
on Tue, 09/22/2015 – 19:09


The following is a comment I posted on the Berkshire Edge in response to their coverage about Thom Reed ( putting a marker up with support from a few dozen others to commemorate a UFO siting from the late 1960s and deemed the first official siting in the the United States of America.

There is not enough time (or people power/ protection) to think over all of these important ideas in public so thanks for this forum..’may the good forces be with you” as Luke Skywalker or our more local Thom Reed would say for the United States of a Miracle.

The time for questions has come though and it’s not easy to brave even Asking the big one, “What IF there are UFOs and more than we can know or learned in high school or from today’s corporate-owned media?” The word L-IF-E may contain a clue or a path to Begin Thinking Outside of the Norm. By the way, I was honored to be in the first class of sixth graders the late Howard Reed taught at Kellogg School. He was a nice, competent fellow and along with other great teachers (in 7th and 8th grade), gym, music and art who we all had for middle school and those who we had from kindergarten.

With about 170 in our school at that time in the 1970s (K-Gr 8) we did great things. Now that school is struggling to stay open with close to 80 students. Other small schools in the area (West Cornwall CT) are facing similar challenges. We need to think our way into continued existence, and the help could come from other neighborly folks around the state or the next state over..or maybe from on high, the divine or other helpful beings.

I like to think the good guys are all on the same side, since clearly the less savory sorts seem ready to do anyone in. With the Pope visiting, Yom Kippur seeking for Jews and I like to think others who are open to the call to seek a day of forgiveness and atonement (not that different from the Christian view to ask forgiveness and seek healing from the Holy Spirit through Jesus, but unfortunately most realize the history of conflict in the Judeo-Christian religion prevents much collaboration and instead allows the differences to divide.)
Now, this may seem like a huge tangent, with me going way off topic but when we are talking UFO possibilities, maybe there’s a new realm to consider the potential connections and less about what hasn’t worked or what causes conflicts.

.let’s seek some understanding that we really may only have a few decades of life as we know it on the plan-it and share as I do on ideas to allow women to begin to weigh in on key issues along with youth, even kids and tots (and imagine what babes-to-born would ask if we would try to consider the gift of their presence.) Too few fellows figure things out and decide ‘what’s what’ then fight over it if they don’t agree completely and that leaves far too many bystanders.

Let’s go easy as new ideas emerge from history or present day and play fair, treat others as we would want to be treated and keep an open mind and heart..especially when reflecting on whether we live only once or if we have many lifetimes (and why that might be in terms of balancing out karma, making amends and staying friends with soul groups and such along with the notions of the divine most have heard of and many have tried mostly with some value.)

Every day is a new beginning (and maybe some of it is pre-programmed even by our own souls agreeing to live a certain length of time, with certain people or challenges and so on to learn more about humanity and our spiritual abilities..maybe worth seeing the Crystal Essence shop and site and having more casual conversations to sort some of this stuff out according to age, gender, interest, faith and so on then brave bridging our collective understandings, finding ways to prevent problems in health, social and educational , age-related stresses and settings, families, courts and drug use or stress (driving, working or solving problems in various disciplines without much cross-referencing or holistic measures). Thanks for tuning in as you can to this weird stuff, maybe there’s some wisdom mixed in.