I am part of Dining For Women (DFW, diningforwomen.org) About ten of us in the Berkshire MA chapter heard a zoom talk about Curing Cervical Cancer last night.  The main speaker was from Chicago. As a retired nurse/ midwife (who helped deliver 1000 babies) she had paid her own way a few times to go to Kenya and assist with efforts there as part of a team of six from the CA-based organization Curing Cervical Cancer.
With visual screenings (not Pap tests) concerning tissue could be treated with a vinegar solution that would remedy early stages of cancer in one quarter of the cervix. If it were more extensive, the case would be referred out. As long as concerns were caught fairly early through screenings, treatment was generally effective. There are still many who have not been screened. They are also vaccinating with Gardisil and feel that is doing a good job at preventing CCC which can be caused by four types of HPV generally.
 The national DFW group would like to get 300 more sustaining monthly members to get extra funds for doing so in case you want to spread the word. There’s more online but they mainly help small initiatives to help women and more in third world countries.
I also learned that in Africa there is a simple stove made from 26 bricks that allows for two pots to cook at a time with very little smoke compared to a three stone stove. The latter has caused a lot of health troubles and burns, but the former is relatively easy to build and takes 1/100th of the wood to use.  See more on RippleAfrica.org
Thanks to all helping themselves and others to find steps along the sustainability pathway. More ideas to percolate soon…after a good night’s sleep.Hope you get one whereover you are (each night.)