Reading the Litchfield County Times in CT (at the cozy Sharon Hotchkiss Library which has an art opening on Sept 12th from 4-7pm), I learned of some exciting happenings and thought Just Once, I’ll try to share them in case someone can catch wind of them and make good use of the resource now or in future times (sometimes an idea or dream seed needs to be planted, watered with other feelings and folks chiming in and even investing some money, rides, childcare, or clothes to make it to the date on hand).
First up was an online cool idea from the ever-hopeful and visionary Ralph Nader (who grew up round these parts in Winsted CT, which is offering a talk by Harold Wright as Abraham Lincoln at the NWCC Founders Hall at 6:30pm on Thursday, Sept 10th. If you miss it, look up his next gig, always good to hear from Old Abe. The talk on Fri, Sept 11th at 7pm on the Civil War, with a new book remembering some CT soldiers.
A reverent Patriot Day Memorial will be held in Canaan CT all day, with the names of those whose earthly journeys ended on Sept 11th, 2001 read from morning to night under a tent. I have suggested that they make a recording that others could play at events
. Also that other groups wanting to pay tribute to loved ones or heroic efforts, even recognizing volunteers or having each class come sing or share some time there, visiting the simple but moving tribute (which does include coffin draped with a flag, pictures of the day on display and so on.
They have done this for years. I met a nice priest there who passed away from leukemia a few years later, so I’m sure many will be remembering Father Jeffries as they take time to pay tribute as they can to the effort and even stop in for a more personal time of reflection there or in another place that speaks to them. The CROP Walk will be held to raise funds for the hungry on Sept 27th in Falls Village CT starting aroung 1pm with music from the Salisbury Band. The Walk goes from HVRHS (HoUSAtonic Valley Regional High School down to the Covered Bridge along a level (for the most part) dirt road, which still merits attention when crossing Route 7, but which can also be mainly some laps around the front oval lawn which I usually play my African drum for by the roadside).
One woman hopes to raise a whopping $4K for a second time. Why not help her meet her goal by donating to St. Bernard’s in Sharon CT 06069 or to Ms. Walker? Tell them Livfully sent you and make checks out to CWS (Church World Service) Crop Walk with her name in the memo.Other ways to contribute to good causes including joining in the Walk for Autism Awarenss on October 3rd, 2015 or Walk for Homelessness Awareness in Great Barrington MA area in October 2015 also. CONSTRUCT does lots of great stuff and is a good model for any community to emulate. See more outreaches such as Community Potlucks at Berkshire South on Mondays in Great Barrington year-round. Speaking clubs at are free to attend and often foster new friendships and ways to connect with one’s area and the next town or state over.
There have been sweat lodges and Sun Dance festivals in the area and country, with Pow Wows and or course church, synagogue and faith circles offering gratitude for life and prayers for peace, connection and respect for life, gifts and the lives of those who have crossed over. May we learn lessons that we did not have to live but that we may have been prone to were the factors in our life different.
We can always consider whether what we are experiencing is a reflection of the past ‘karmic script’ of our own or our family’s or tribe’s. We can craft new ideas and plans for well-being, honesty and safety with each new day and the many opportunities we are afforded. I share that sentiment as I take time to remember our own son Kaelan Palmer Paton who tried to save a friend from the HoUSAtonic River in Falls Village CT on June 16th, 2009 and which I write about on these posts as well (Remembering Kaelan and his service is on youtube in short segments.)
As part of a song goes I wrote for him, “Kaelan, Kaelan, you went to the river. You helped the Life Giver, save your friend from a bitter end. Oh, Kaelan, Kaelan, we love you, man and we’ll reach out a hand, while we’re still on land…” May that sentiment carry you through any challenges you find yourself in. Remember too his friends he did save that day, two young men while he was still on land by reaching out to them, then helping another fight to be safe even after going under after Kaelan had reached him briefly.
These are things the fellows shared with me at that time and which resound in my heart even though however he passed from this life did not seem to matter at all once I comprehended that he was no longer breathing or even could be seen since he was trapped (or kept in God’s plans) in the whitewater that day and for a week before being spotted intact a week later by a trainman in the early morning seven miles downriver at the West Cornwall Covered Bridge..another place he loved and as another song I wrote for him (or with him) “with a message to give’…Life is bridge we gently cross, As go over, we all we feel loss. But the gift of love is ours to give in how we die and how we live.
Let’s live with love as our guiding principle whether indoors or out, awake or asleep (that’s where prayers and intentions for ourselves and others in our circles, including our frenemies come in handy..and yes, I know it’s easier said than done and not really even to think about when times are tough, but understanding and learning may go hand-in-hand with forgiving and allowing for some better practices in parenting, caring for self and others, following ‘rules and regs and yes, the laws too’ and all that jazz, maybe even having consequences of not speaking or being in touch with people who are troubled or troubling you for your own protection (get yo’self out of dodge and that’s not easy in little towns or even in schools or workplaces, or homes).
Well there’s plenty more to ponder, but thanks for letting me share this during a time of the year when nature is changing her hues and we humans are transitioning too to the cooler temperatures, the shorter days which result in more darkness..all the more reason to focus on the inner light and warmth of caring and sharing (even a cup of tea by oneself or a friend on the phone if not in person.)
Down the road at the historic Collin’s Diner (which has a Kickstarter Campaign to address medical bills for the Mrs.and who had fed folks for years so is very worthy of support) there’s a sign ‘Never Forget’ in memory of Sandy Hook victims.
We realize a pressing need for reflection, education, and prevention on the heels of national discussions and movements about race, classism, violence, gun violence, domestic assault also recognized more as Coercive Control (with the seminal book by Evan Stark explaining the deprivation of basic rights as a crime we need to comprehend as a human rights issue as well as societal ill we have not been prone to recognize, learn about or try to remedy before violence triggers arrests for injuries and wrongdoing if not fatalities.)
The main message of many experts such as on is that we punish victims and reward criminals. What would Abraham Lincoln or Father Abraham or Jesus or G-d say about That? Too often religion and property rights undergird our systems in ways that now play out to hurt women and children rather than protect them as people!
Now back to Ralph’s ideas for billionaires and even regular not-so-rich yet caring people. Check out his link for each year of people born to give as though a Class Gift to the world (via certain charities they choose, etc).
The efficiency of his 25 ideas resonated with me in terms of the Acorns to Oaks Team Outreach I’ve been hatching out for a couple of decades to help everyone feel counted and valued as well as reconnected with values and circles of support and yes, friends at heart even if far apart. I hope to be in touch with him soon and promote more non-profits. I’d even like to get to a workshop on running a non-profit at for $45 on Thursday, Sept 10th, 2015.
You can find Ralph Nader’s many ideas to spur connection and charity at (How do you like them apples, that’s doing to count as my greeting card sent out to the world. Why not include it in your e’s where it’s ‘e’asy to link to. Also we have The Big E Fair up in Springfield MA which I have not been to but know some folks who have ventured up thataway. Maybe I can get to that, but it may be to the which is happening this weekend (Sept 11-13) in CT with entrance fees under $10 and free for kids under 12. Bring snacks, water and sunscreen and keep track of each other regularly, with cell phones if you have them.
Next summer in Torrington CT at Feussenich Park stay tuned for the 2nd annual FuseFest which featured musical groups playing to almost a thousand people. Community gatherings on the Greens of small towns such as Sharon, Litchfield and Torrington (and yes at the Warner Theatre) keep positive vibes going. Catch the Salisbury Hand Drummers at the Salisbury CT Fall Festival this October 2015. Maybe see you there or out hiking (but please take precautions for Bears and other critters of the wild. Do not feed them or attract them, but rather walk (don’t run ) away, make a lot of noise (even bring bear spray if we have that in CT as they do out West. Clap your hands and shout. Sadly a bear in our corner was put down for sniffing a woman’s leg and seeming to track her. It was the DEEP decision and likely will be the word that gets more people paying attention to the wild elements (even other people out there on the trails of life.)
Think safety whether taking a short trip when bad weather could come round, if it’s too hot or too cold, too much rain, wind, wet leaves, etc. Try to PLAN AHEAD and see my post about ‘going North at the noon hour, South at the sixth hour, East at 3 and West at 9 as a Way to become more aware and voluntarily participate in a driving game of cool safety. Women could drive on the odd days and men on the evens (and let’s see how that feels in terms of road manners). Why not pick up some items for a friend or get things done in one trip rather than wing it? Likely plenty of people do that, but plenty don’t. Thanks for piggybacking efforts when you can, keeping things local (yes, even loaning a friend 20-100 bucks which can often be the range of overdrafting if paychecks are delayed or bills need to be paid out of one’s account.) There’s lots more we could brainstorm here or in small groups, but for now, enjoy the Start of September and be aware also of the Jewish Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (the Jewish New Year and Day of Atonement for forgiveness). Rather timely for all to consider whatever their spiritual orientation.
If you read something, say something about it to a friend who may enjoy hearing about it and not have the time to learn more. But do check for interest and how much time anyone has to actually Hear or Read anything. Written notes and e’s can be read a bit at a time and put off, so that may be the way to go. Hope this worked for you and I’d be happy to hear what’s happening in your corner of the community!