Dear Readers of Livfully and Those in New York who may pass by 505 Fifth Ave a few blocks toward Times Square from Grand Central. Remember that story of the Mother needing to give birth and finding a place in the manger because ‘there was no room in the inn.”

That didn’t just happen long ago, and unfortunately it’s a fairly common plight of many mothers who are about to give birth (yes a pregnant woman Is a Mother in the most fundamental life-giving sense of the word Before she delivers a child.) If a woman is of limited monetary means and support, well the pregnancy journey can be one that is extra challenging.

Could all churches have a ministry to do a meaningful outreach to assist women and of course their supportive partners, family and friends to ‘bring a child into this world’ with a sense of care and security? That could be called The Inn Project, or Mary and the Inn, or MJJ–Mary, Joseph and Jesus Program to recognize the team effort from the get-go.  Maybe factor the Divine into that equation and trust the greater good can not only get things going but see things through as humanity rises to the occassion to Help One Another.

Before I go on too long with that concept, let me introduce you to Jose and his wife Dana. She already had a miscarriage seven years ago, and then had a pregnancy that was going well even while she and Jose were asking to get assistance to supplement the shelter existence they had. No meals were provided at the shelter. Maybe there are Better Options and that would be a good blog post to pursue for Me or Anyone Else wanting to spread the word of What’s Out There to Help People N.O.W.

Dana’s pregnancy came to a close about  six weeks early, and due to infection (caused by her water leaking and her not realizing that is what happened), she delivered a stillborn infant boy on January 31st, 2017. The hospital staff encouraged them to take a photo of them holding their deceased infant son which she didn’t realize could be helpful at the time. She was thinking, “What is the point, he’s not alive…” but shared that it is comforting to have the photo.

Sadly she has had to use it to prove the reality of the cardboard sign with red marker hand writing that announces their current need for assistance. Someone did not believe that they had lost their child even though they had seen she was pregnant. Others harassed them even during the time of her pregnancy.

The father of the baby, who they named Jose Jr., is an Army vet. He said he has not been able to get help for much from the Veteran’s services or other social services in NJ. One piece of paper that was being required was a document to verify their last known address.

That was a bus station, and the attendant did not want to write something about them sleeping there even though that is what the case worker said was required.

The grown, capable Jose had missing top teeth I noted and inquired about. He said someone mugged him and knocked a couple of his teeth out when he wouldn’t give up his possessions he was holding.  I encouraged them to seek help from people at a church or agency.

They said some people come by to check on them but mainly can offer a shelter which they already go to in the Bronx. Jose is planning to apply for a job as a cook at a Burger Restaurant near the shelter.

Dana looks like the actress Kristie Ally (how do we spell that name…but I like the idea of her being an Ally and said we/ Dana (who still has extra weight from the pregnancy..) and co. could Write to her and include a picture of just her and then if need be the more delicate one of them holding their son bundled up shortly after her delivery.) She said if she hadn’t gone into labor, her life could have been jeapordized by the infection she did not realize she had. THAT is a warning for ALL PREGNANT MOMS and their partners.

They ideally should have someone checking on them Daily and in an informed manner (being aware of ‘urine or water leakage or any other signs that there May be a Concern.’) When a woman is about to deliver (say two months prior even, someone could LIVE WITH THE WOMAN or near her and ease any added stress which can come on as the woman often gains more weight or gets larger and it’s harder to stand, sit or get anything done…just ask around. IF some women find it a breeze, that doesn’t mean they are internally all fine and dandy. Blood pressure or other issues can be troublilng (edema, which is water retention and should be taken seriously as well.)

Toughing it out is Not a Great Strategy when one has a passenger (or more) on board. IF a woman misses a doctor’s appointment for the pregnancy, she could have a form saying it is okay to call back up people to check on her and the police if necessary if she lives alone or needs a wellness check.

With Domestic Violence often escalating during pregnancy and when a woman if vulnerable, these points should be reviewed at each visit and have an online local resource site or even national outreach to do Safety Planning and Learn Basics of Newborn and Infant Care for Moms, Dads and All Caregivers. Some basics would include Never Being Rough or Yelling at a Baby.

They are small, delicate people who cannot tell you that they may be hungry, having a belly ache, gas, or other difficulty (breathing, digesting a formula or even breastmilk or baby food after a few months or more–many recommend 6 months but worth googling all the details even for how to prepare formula. I think it makes sense to Test Taste the formula and try some people recommend (and your doc of course.)

Seeing videos on a weekly basis could help any expectant parent, grandparent and friends feel more aware of pregnancy, the baby’s system in utero and as the little one continues to grow substantially in the first year of life and beyond.

Okay, so with all that as a primer, Caring for the Mothers After Birth, and the Dads and support team would be a win-win all around. Thanks for finding ways to Help the Homeless (or Houseless, such as or com explains is a better way to address the situaion.) If you have ways to help Dana and Jose (or others in Your Neighborhood or along Your Journey) that would be Very Cool and a Wonderful Way to add meaning to this Mother’s Day 2017 and beyond. Thanks a bundle from here and heaven!