Submitted by livfully
on Thu, 08/20/2015 – 18:16

The following reflects the sentiments of one fellow whose seen a lot in his first century..he ‘tells it like it is’ for years on end to those taking time to listen. Many people and groups feel likewise. The followingw was written before I saw some of the 60 Minutes television program about the horrific use of nerve gas that is not supposed to be used by any country (or is viewed as a crime against humanity)..but it was used in Syria in August of 2013 causing deaths and injuries to many..I need to check the details as someone I was watching it with briefly began to cry and felt despair about such atrocities…as do many.

Feeling so helpless, especially after the fact however needs to empower everyone to find ways to treat each other with decency and respect as well as foster political goals in every land to provide for human rights, particularly for those in wartorn nations. All of these huge ideas can seem overwhelming to the point of needing to ‘tune them out just to get through the day or cope with one’s humanity as one can’.

The struggles in one land stand in stark contrast to those of another nearby or more often, across the world. The media and independent voices who try to shed light on what is really happening or the history that had played out, particularly when lives are lost, should be honored as heroes worth supporting on many levels and emulating in groups if possible to help more people feel empowered.

There are some major deficits being identified in our society whether with police brutality, ignorance about coercive control at home, at work, in schools, the military etc aka domestic abuse.

Whose job is it to really help the general public see the light? Not the media’s, they make money off of crime and corruption. How about the medical industry, sadly a ditto there.

Plus docs are the first to tell you they are trained in a  ‘specialty’ as in how the body functions or how to fix the body, not exactly guide a person’s behavior, relationships. legal and social contracts..that’s Out of their League. Yes, even mental health professionals and educators are trained to stay on track in their fields.

Perhaps cross-discipline forums would help, but we need people to ask meaningful questions about How we Got this way (so lopsided with patriarchal values, how we Stay this way (with no time or space to really question anything and eagerly brainwash kids to manage without their mothers from birth on and without their dads unless it’s a money-maker for some attorney..and all the while being kept in the dark that we likely are on The Clock not only as a species but as a planet that can sustain life if the CO-2 gets too bad.)

Now What IF we could consider we only had another 50 yeaars on Pacha Mama (planet earth/ heart). Someone my age, early 50s, should think about that in their own life and see what options there are to Work toward a Healthier Outlook (spiritual beliefs in the divine, positive thinking, self-care and connections that are helpful and not really hurtful.

That can be followed by better life habits of early, regular sleep, routines of enjoying time outdoors for 10 minutes of more in the AM, day and night time..and more in the nice weather but even brave a bit thru the colder times).

Good food provides the right nutrients for the body so that means starting with fresh food, not overcooking or microwaving–easier said than done if there’s one in the house, so maybe keep it in a closet even to cut down on exposure. Most know these things but somehow it can take a long time, as in years to make even small changes.

Over one’s life, one may be more inclined to focus on well-being, but a small effort can add up over weeks, so start sooner rather than later. If you don’t gain weight or do more unhealthy things, count that as a bonus. Find folks to support you in small ways then grow out those circles, whether in roles as a parent of new ones, caregiver of kids or elders or others, team player of housework and feeding self and others.

Look to find small group support throughout studies and skill-building. We overlook that as well as many ways to encourage good habits and new skills such as offered on For schools, there’s a new outreach from I hope to share more resources, but overall keep the faith that more good things can help (and more women, kids and under-represented groups including good guys)  us turn our Titanic-type situations around.

Trust your instincts, don’t sign away your freedom too readily (go easy on those legal contracts and roles which sink you with a lot of responsibility for another person, who frankly, you cannot control and maybe they cannot either given some kind of life crisis, reaction to medication, change of heart or dream..we need to make more renewable relationship resources, not unlike renewable energy resources.

Finding out how many people ‘cheat’ whether monogamous in  name whether married or dating needs to wake us all up to the idea we can only be completely honest with ourselves (and maybe we can’t really do that fully either but in many domains it could be more clear in terms of what we habitually do…who we think about, talk to, feel emotionally connected to, find ways to support or show concern for…).

We can force ourselves and that may have some merit, more like doing a good job for pay as many do at work…but then when we have time to reflect, we need to try to slow down and take stock of the bigger picture and choices we really are held accountable for.

Some women leave a bad relationship when their children are being hurt…and yes a few fellows are in that arena too. But the societal landscape is that the world over, MEN have been in charge historically for thousands of we are not going to shake that mindset or the cultural mores/ ways that plays out anytime soon.

It’s hard work, but meaningful and could factor into the new evolution of consciousness (some call it feminism, or a group think, a matrix vs the patrix paradigm such as in permaculture..see for inspiration there).

Overall, we need to TRY to go easy on ourselves and everyone else so we can ‘find a new, better way, to process our choices. I am trying to provide some forums along those lines, and Lionheart braved sharing so I summarized some highlights. This is not to say I agree with his language but the anguish is something I have felt on many levels..many civilized people have.

So act as if your choices make a difference and guide your path, because quantum science folks say that’s very likely the case… Check out for some other ideas many can’t buy into Yet..we are thinking in creative ways and may just stumble upon solutions or be engaged with more than we ever imagined such as Tom Reed and his brother say they were when a UFO came to visit Sheffield MA 50 years ago.

His step dad Howard was my grade school teacher, so I feel there’s an extra message in his story I need to listen to, especially since Howard passed away (or over) a while back from Legionnaire’s. May we honor the many teachers we’ve had in our life and respect the many ways we can learn from each other whether by chance or choice, for pay or not and in person or online..peace to one and all, See too for cool ideas to sleep and live peacefully.. Happy journeys..and now here’s Lionheart…

The pinnacle of society as represented by the epitome of man’s best efforts is now playing out. In short, the best males have to offer it to create guns, bombs and fail at diplomacy in personal and professional circles, and politically within a nation and among nations. While the politicians may not reap salaries they often gain paybacks under the table.

Why females who represent half of the population (and give birth to all people the world over) take this calmly is perplexing. Likely all have bought into the idea that the female is inferior and cannot think for herself, that she needs a man to look out for her and keep her in check.

Most crimes are committed by men, but still no one mentions that important detail. Is there something inherently amiss in the males that they do not feel motivated to think more about the common good, the fairness of treating each other with dignity, respect and support for survival? With goals of making money to provice for themselves, too often exclusively, men leave most other people out of the equation of their lives for how they spend their time, interests and plans for the future.

The very rich will deplete the resources of a group and land to the point that there is little time or room for recovery. In case all of the historical shortcomings don’t do people in, then there’s the unstoppable trend of making bureaucracy so complex and extensive, people will be charged for breathing just as many have to pay for water.

What the solutions are may take time to figure out, but if the same people who have been in charge for hundreds of years and decades (namely wealthy men and corporations and a handful of heavy-hitting politicians and even religious leaders who conveniently fight to keep as much progress from happening by default or more active roadblocks if not wrongdoing), then how can anyone one, particularly women and th weaker facets of society politicallly and socially, ever see meaningful change?

The takeover of huge segments of society have reclaimed many perceived gaings and the  gaps between the rich and poor will grow more steeply. To really turn things around we likely need to slow down on many fronts and rethink many aspects of our individual and collective choices.

How we care for people, from pregnant mothers and young children to other age groups and people with special needs, has to be given more collective effort and include policies from the top down that would assure more people of basics and protections so simple living won’t simply be a dream.

With greater concerns about international struggles and the prospect of countries gaining access to making and using nuclear weapons or toxic substances polluting our environment or needing storage, the need could hardly be greater to pay attention and do all we can before it’s “too late’.

From someone whose had a mainly positive run of a life well-lived for almost a century, I wish you all well. Every person taking strides toward their own peace of mind, good health and positive social relationships is a good goal in the short term. Then working together with others to face challenges can help one keep a faith in the good living that speaks to one’s dreams.