Reflecting on the start of a new day, a new season, a new chapter for many in life…graduations, gatherings, protests and things we say Yes to in order to co-create our collective human experience and world, nature and many other aspects of existence….
A profound and inspired way to join together in our dreams as teams for these special times…Journal away or enjoy time outdoors, some quiet and plenty of the other aspects of letting the day unfold in miraculoUS ways…all over the world and even along time lines, past, present, and future!
And what are you up to this bright ‘full of possibilities and people’ this morning…Let’s not be all alone in our journeys but rather, all one!
We just might enjoy the ride and reach our goals more readily, a triple win (for you, me, the world at large…the greater good.) Other reflections are shared on with a few others chiming in at my invite, and consider yourself invited to do that same. PM me here or email…and yes, let’s feel that great love from above (which is part of what thinkingkapp reflects, both Kids Adults Parents Partnerhips as well as Kaelan’s initials….and a sense of Community using their collective thinking cap (and yes.)
Better post and create a public zoom to mark this day for those who don’t get outdoors or have time to do such things, whether taking a minute or taking a knee or other gesture of slowing down and tuning in to Our One Big Life! (Keep the “If” in the middle of that word in mind and don’t feel trapped by what is or seems the case, rather imagine what Could Be and Claim the Good as if it were already here.
My Mom of many would encourage us to ‘Act As IF’ things were going our way, and doors would open more readily to make it so. A lot of faith and good will helped too and still does as many alternative healers and thinkers say, without negative rebounds of karma if intending harm to others or even oneself… Peace, light and loads of love today and on this next journey around the sun EveryOne! See more about what Ali Storm offers online and in her first book called Project One. It’s kind of a love revolution with a lot of super powers offered as far as I can tell and I haven’t explored it much. I think there’s a free first chapter though and a group to join and some of her interviews on New Life Expo (on FB) and her own site too. See what a difference ‘just one person’ can make…hopefully in positive ways. Here’s a toast and tribute to our late teen son Kaelan for his heroic love and courage and skill to rescue three of his friends 11 years ago…and counting.
Best to all and we can still pull together to help prevent dangerous and difficult patterns in living, learning, loving, leaving and not keeping agreements.
Those troubles can have serious unintended, costly and even fatal consequences as was part of what happened among the adults and teens that day our son went unsupervised and against what posted signs say regarding “No Swimming At the Falls” (particularly on a day when they are going over creating dangerous currents, seen or unseen) but also no jumping which carries a higher risk for landing injuries, tripping and so on.
That’s something the communities need to clarify and have voluntary supervision, perhaps a video camera or other way to monitor the situations in their area.
More on that another time, but parents and other adults need to Step It Up or clarify they are unable or unwilling to do so and find others who can guide them, along with some sensible youth too. There may be a need to prevent people from being the hero if the odds are very low or nil that someone can be saved.
That’s a tough pill to swallow as it were, yet that’s the kind of issue the country and world is realizing is necessary, whether interfering with a police officer to save someone’s life who is running from them or clearly unstable or being dangerously mishandled.
The laws need to be clarified and consistent among the states for police actions and community education. With so many services far fewer people are ‘out and about’ for many needs. Likely more people could voluntarily coordinate outings to keep numbers low whether for preventing COVID19 concerns or traffic and interactions less intense.
Youth and ideally many adults could keep a log of where they are going, who they are seeing and be aware of ‘trouble spots’ and seek to minimize direct interactions as needed. That may mean asking others or local groups that could accommodate needs (even basic shopping as has been done nicely in some New York neighborhoods by volunteers.)
We have learned a lot about slowing down and many say the next serious concern we have to face is 5G which needs global consideration since it will be a game changer in more ways than the public has been informed. Many health studies are not allowed on such things so it’s up to grassroots people and independent countries and areas to look into matters and Make Some Noise!
Part of why I blog and cover many matters like this is to get the issues introduced and explored in a basic way so others can then take the matters to their area and circles for greater consideration and advocacy.
We are ‘on the clock’ not only as people but as communities and a lot needs doing just to stay up and running (and keep the lights on..although power and pollution is another reality that more municipalities, states and countries are waking up to for the costs and impact on our air and planet.)
Thanks to all those at and other activists at Greenpeace and places that could be on a poster to become household friendly names. I’ll post this to get the day off to the activist and celebrated start with gratitude for all joining in these efforts, heart, mind and next steps on our journey.