The wonderful folks of Vassar College held their Reunion Weekend in Poughkeepsie June’s just wrapping up with a Memorial Service. While many have crossed over to the other side, especially from the older classes, when they were enjoying their earthly journeys they made plans to donate to Vassar and that’s what resulted in a rather huge amount of funds being donated to Vassar this year. Likely this has been a pattern in the past and will continue to be part of the legacy planning many from colleges, private high schools and even growing numbers of public schools and foundations for communities.
That’s a way for people to feel their efforts are going toward creating a future of promise and care for others. We could benefit from more discussions on how non-profits and efforts that promote a greater sense of connection and ongoing support for learning, living, loving and leaving (yes, transitioning from one phase of life whether in relationships, family constellations, changing studies or careers, retiring or addressing new physical and mental challenges, or needing more longterm care and help with health care decisions for both living and dying with dignity and understanding.)
The Reunion was held on the picturesque campus (maintained by 9 people working the grounds instead of 23 which merits further consideration..maybe students and volunteers could pick up the slack and appreciate what it takes to keep a landscape in good shape and have the added benefit of connecting with nature and staying in better shape themselves along the way.
See the permaculture (PC)posts on this and online such as at to look at the balance of social and practical needs in energy-saving ways.) The overall plan of the reunion could include more such PC principles to be a trendsetter in big events…Perhaps hosting sit-down events indoors rather than in tents (or cutting the number down more and juggling schedules to allow each class one tent event or more shared ones).
The tornado warning and thunderstorm on Friday night give cause for reflection about safety and again practical aspects of ‘eating indoors’. If it’s nice picnicking likely could happen on these rather amazing devices called Blankets. Think Tanglewood, and maybe keep more lawn chairs handy. Just thinking out loud here.
Truly, this whole experience was heart-warming and deluxe. Overall the sense of ‘what like-minded’ (even diverse-thinking) people can do when they pool their efforts could be inspiring for more to experiment with. While remembering loved ones here and above and venturing on your next season of life with good folks cheering you on from your past, present and future…Enjoy JUNE–Jewels of Understanding and Networking Experiences! Salve!