When tuning into the text of Brown University’s Presidential speech to the 2017 Graduates in May 2017, I learned that a Brown Grad from the 1980s pursued political ambitions and focused on addressing the opiod problem (in her state and maybe the country…time to get back to that site after I post this entry.) That reminded me that drugs and mental illness are ‘equal opportunity destroyers’. When I ushered movies shown at college in the 1980s, I recall one “The Harder They Fall”. The theme song was “The higher they climb, the harder they fall, one and all…”

When someone pursues ambitious goals (particularly with the talent and hard work that can take), if they fail or stumble and ‘fall’ it can feel like the end of the world. If someone is just trying to keep their boat afloat, getting one’s life in order can be a full time job. Problems that come out of the blue or along due to bad habits, tricky relationships, lack of a support team or cheering squad (as in Having to do Everything On One’s Own, not just with a sense of independence…but as in Nobody’s Got Your Back.) Not a pretty picture and the stats scream in the headlines that ‘Things are Getting Worser Not Betterer” (just to see if you are still reading this, yes the extra -ers). Now that I’ve painted a rather bleak picture, I wanted to share that Jen McLean sent an email out about a sale of hypnosis programs to address woes and build confidence.

Those led to offers to Get Trained as an Ericksonian Hypnotist. That in turn led to a marketing program (all at special low prices one could grab only on that window…). Then Advanced programs in both hypnosis and marketing were offered (with more practical computer lingo and presentation pointers. Now with all the communication that happens and needs to happen, I was thinking ‘maybe this is worth it…’ Even to see what is being shared in this widespread outreach.

The numbers could add up to almost 200 dollars (getting a dozen talks for a buck each instead of their normal pricing of 20-130 or more per program, so that seemed like a nice savings, then the others were about 40-50 dollars. Many online coaches I listen to for Free give bits and pieces or even some talks that run and hour or two with an idea of What they Will Teach You, but don’t do the small steps.

What if people could join together in groups to do this and many other forms of ‘mental health and coaching’ for themselves and one another? Everybody could be an ‘armchair therapist’ and Understand the Modalities, particularly those that do not involve pharrmaceuticals (I think I spelled that right even though I mainly hope to Stay Away from them, even having to reference them!) Now there may be real needs for some of these meds, but maybe there are Natural Ways to Address the Imbalances such as explored by Izabella Wentz on her series about Thyroid Problems.

She touches on the idea that much of what is labelled as bipolar is actually more of a thyroid imbalance. Oh boy. Talk about ‘not getting good directions…or knowing where one is going.’ It seems many medical people are trained in ways to keep their patients and even themselves In the Dark. I know one brave physician who shared that he reallyw wasn’t aware of how important diet and exercise was to help prevent heart problems. After he had an episode of heart trouble, he sent out a personal letter to all of patients explaining how serious and important Prevention Is.

That was well over 10 years ago. I heard a caring minister also share that many heart recipients do not gain the benefit of their new transplant because they cannot get motivated to exercise. I am not sure what the guidelines are for a minimum amount of exercise (maybe getting Off the Couch and To the Gym or To the Treadmill, etc with a friend to up one’s odds) but Maybe Hypnosis and Counseling etc could help with those ‘little bridging steps.’

Many techniquest promote a sense of ‘not needing anything else’ or just listening to certain healing frequencies and allowing things to shift ‘naturally’. I like those approaches and believe in ‘the power of prayer, good intentions, honest reflection’ and help from the Divine. Any approach should be used with care and respect for all parties and pursued with good accountability so one does not end up in la-la land. In shamanic circles, such as shared by Sandra Ingerman, she feels that journeying to a steady drum beat (letting one’s mind free up with a few suggestions to let various ideas and symbols come into one’s awareness–with eyes closed– as one is seeking to reclaim pieces of one’s being that may have been repressed or ‘cut off’ from one’s soul during times of trauma. It sounds rather nice yet at least one other person I have learned about some basic shamanism from cautioned anyone about ‘journeying’ in a serious manner.

She said ‘you may wander right out of your body’ and not be able to return. Of course many religions prohibit such practices for various reasons, some of which may have roots in trying to help people stay grounded and protected from any outside energetic influence. All of these topics are Big and Important. I met a person from a group of psychologists (who happened to be holding a conference way up in CT in my small town area)  about 10 years ago. Whey I asked if they ever considered what people around the world were doing for mental health, she said the NIH (National Institute of Health) did have funds to look at such things, but they were just starting out. So we’re only a couple hundred years behind where we could have been.

The whole realm of spirituality is also up for discussion, particularly for assessing one’s health, relationships, well-being and more. Many say we are living out orders we put in during past parts of our lifetime or prior lifetimes. I know that sound WeIrd, but more people joke or actually think about these things. Maybe in Another Two Hundred Years, the people in the healing and helping professions will tune into those as well. Okay, time to check in for some sleep for better health and tune into my dreams to see if exploring the ideas of hypnosis with Steve (via Jen McLean) makes sense. I believe there’s a money-back guarantee. Happy Pondering and Positive Thinking…