Thinking of All of You and Wishing Everybuddy a Jewel-like June, sparkling in special ways as Kaelan’s 8th year in heaven comes round on the 16th.
Walk your path with light and love, a friend and if you are so blessed, little ones in your company and four-legged or other creature friends too, especially barefoot on the earth with some deep breaths and time to relax (as our dear friend now in spirit, Karen Kisslinger, would chime in with ideas to do on the radio at 11 and 11 (am and pm.)
Wink, wink and big smiles from our heavenly crew who likely braved going to help us out more than we know (from all I hear from folks more tuned in to the Possibilities. Hope that is okay to share..and same with the following musings. Feel free to PM me if you like or of course, share a thought of How You and Yours are doing at this time in life (keeping the IF in sight too as you live fully and in good company.)
Celebrating Graduates too (will put in a post soon, so All the Best and Enjoy Some Rest well before midnight for the most part since ‘that is good medicine’ the world over (and more studies are Proving that to be the case. )
Now back to a video about me walking and talking to myself (but often to others too even though they’re not quite physically present… ya know what I mean? a little stretch of road that’s meant the world to me (and many) growing up..and is where I was when Kaelan passed at the other end of the road, at the HoUSAtonic River…
What if that were a dream (and in a sense the days prior to his passing were along those lines with close friends visiting from out West and going to The Falls, with me taking healing counseling type programs which had me envisioning a healing journey…that took the form for me of gaining peace and insight from swimming with a bear across the river above the dam and coming back with a healing kind of medicine.and well, way more than a movie would think to put in, yet sure enough, lots came to pass.
The ‘dream’ is still unfolding in ways that are mysterious and mostly encouraging…even while the world is facing more ‘real-life harsh challenges.’ Maybe I was in a kind of basic training for ‘these harder times’ (as are so many very brave rescuers, families and friends who go through difficult times…)
The world will need all of our best efforts to keep pullin’ through hard times and helping many more find the connections to healing, the earth, the divine, and one another to forge a better path for US-Al… Big hugs and HugEnergy to each and every this June 2017…and keep a candle and smile lit on 6-16, Remembering Kaelan who journeyed on in 2009 on that date…He’s likely still going strong with good deeds and a few adventures, even with family and friends on the Other Great Shore. Share ideas on and on his FB Memorial page as you can…