With reverence for losses that took place on December 14, 2012 in CT and the many that have happened across the United States with ‘clear and convincing evidence’ and far less attention or support for the families affected (as I learned at a CT Peace Conference), we can take a moment of silence and light a candle of hiope and faith that we all will brave the thinking, caring, inquiring and learning whether online or in our discussions to address any wrong doing, deception, or confusion or not understanding the bigger picture.

When looking at Yahoo News after being away from my computer for a few days, I saw the headlines of Alex Jones, Meghan Kelly and a Conspiracy theory of Sandy Hook CT. On June 14th, 2017 in DC, Sandy Hook Promise will host an event without Meghan Kelly being the emcee of their Promise Champions gala. These advocates promote more gun regulation, and some say, not Alex Jones he says, that perhaps there was ‘another explanation’ for the media coverage of the 2012 Sandy Hook events.

The conspiracy theory alleges that in order to get more guns out of the hands of citizens and to keep the more dangerous weapons from being allowed, an event was staged with a few shooters creating the appearance of a school shooting with actors who perhaps were prepared for years in advance to be part of the events of the day along with regular ‘clueless civilians.’ As difficult as any of that would be to consider, more accountable groups should do independent investigations of any such event. The ‘red flags’ of concern are information that other schools had drills that were taped to practice for such a school shooting event.

Some of that footage may have been played in some of the coverage of Sandy Hook CT. Everyone likely has heard that ‘no one saw the deceased bodies’, not the day of or later. All were closed casket funerals. There are an array of questions which in this day and age likely should have been much better documented and witnessed by a few independent groups.

That most of the responders from the area were called to a meeting an hour or more away from Sandy Hook CT does paint a large question as to Why that was the case. Many such programs were on the books yet I have not heard of such things prior to that and I look carefully at a lot of what any mental health or police group is doing to prepare better for any kind of mental health or emergency intervention. Mostly it seems it is difficult to arrange for free or additional training for professionals to go beyond what they are required to do. If I were a parent, I would want to ‘get to the bottom of what really transpired’ and would be open to hearing theories.

The whole realm of ‘conspiracy’ is one that more regular civilians should become familiar with.so there are ways to decipher what is ‘real’ versus ‘possibly real’ and ‘no where in the ball park.’  Many people are familiar with popular television shows that paint rather horrific or graphic scenes of violence and plots of intrigue about ‘whodunnit’ and the layers of political power plays.

Steven Greer is by far offering very timely information about The Possibilities we Need to Know about for the safety of our planet. So far, we are ‘all in this together.’ How we use our free will, our array of human abilities (even when we sleep to actually rest or dream or connect with some deeper insights’) Likely all women are trying their best to make life a bit nicer for their kids and their community.

Unfortunately with fewer resources the world over and generally more people whether kids, family, parents or neighbors to care for, they can likely only dream of a brighter day. Most men, with the free time, better resources and often ample skills and abilities to make decisions don’t even see the other half of the population (women and kids) as Their Concern (whether as a problem, a promise or team players…)

I am not trying to ‘insult fellows here’, I think our cultures coax most to fall into patterns of thinking and socializing, get into some hierarchical structure that ‘maintains the status quo’ and keeps everyone going so fast that the only future most men and ‘successful people’ can envision is about Their Own Lives, Their Own Families, maybe Their Own Schools and Towns and States if they can think ‘that big.’

We don’t have a schedule for most people to feel part of to plan not only for their own basic lives but put more plans with real people in place to suggest and assist one another. Efforts such as Village To Village (V2V), helping elders or others with more obvious care needs, maybe children (mostly school kids not young children or infants or pregnant and expectant parents), newcomers or those who are changing jobs, not having access to food, transportation, education, housing and reasonable work are few and far between.

Why do we need to wait for a handful of social workers or some domestic abuse advocates who really cannot inform people of what they really need to know? Even those in Legal Aid or getting state attorneys are getting ‘too little too late.’ The advocacy of Safe and Together Model, Barry Goldstein, Lundy Bancroft and many others are the ones to help us see the light of day.

Even they are operating in the crisis mode of ‘here and now’ with a hope that in a decade we can see some meaningful change. Ideally we would get mothers of every grade level educated about domestic abuse, about schooling needs and programs to help all children early on in life (such as the Distar reading program whic

Good guys are more then welcome to meet up and get their education on these things too, ideally through some basic websites, and then Support Women in their Nurturing Roles as Pregnant Mothers/ Women (hopefully every woman can call herself a mother when pregnant if that is comfortable for her to do so rather than wait until the baby is born.)

Clear basic sexual education and all ways a pregnancy can occur (yes, even without internal contact or with a condom or some forms of birth control) so women would be clear about their choices for ‘Plan B’ (the pill that will not end a pregnancy but will keep one from occurring if I’ve learned that distinction clearly and needs to be taken within a few days of risk of unwanted pregnancy one may not want to keep.

Almost half of all pregnancies are not planned and about half of those are kept and half not (although some of each are miscarried.) This basic ‘terrain’ is important to cover for all people–men, women and even children, so people can understand the topics that too often are ‘taboo’ or are difficult for families or others to help people understand in respectful, clear ways.