Hello and How is everybuddy doing this first part of summer 2020? I know it’s tough times on many fronts, yet I am hopeful and trusting that we are ‘breaking through’ to a better era. Many alternative thinkers and healers that I share on this blog say as much..It’s a Cosmic Time, much bigger than we can comprehend..and involves the position and pathways of the planets, incoming energies from don’t ask me where..but all to upgrade our DNA (yes our internal codes. again, not sure how and why, but apparently ‘we’re ready’.) We can join in the positive healing wave of change and healing…so hopefully we’ll all tune into those possibilities.  Please look at former posts for info from David Adelson and his podcasts and offers on Peace and Harmony Co.com, Animiracles.com with Laurie Moore, Eve Wilson and her programs, Jenn McLean and many others on YouWealthRevolution.com and lots more on health (such as from BrainTime.com and Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo.) Lots of interesting talks for free on youtube.com about the afterlife and more, mediums who give healing ideas such as Mark Anthony and Bill Philipps, and Thomas John, Kimberly Meredith and more.

Now before I take program and need to rest afterward (that’s part of it, kind of helpful, right?) I wanted to tell you that it dawned on me that our late teen son Kaelan’s passing was eleven years ago last Tuesday, June 16th, 2009. He passed in a way that is a bit unusual *but not that strange for drowning victims in that he was trying to save someone from very dangerous water currents,)

His friend was saved by an adult rope rescuer, Skip Kosciusko who also risked his safety to perform the amazing feat from a high rock base. Kaelan has saved two other friends from a place on the shore before that attempt in the water. Those could have been more challenging but thankfully all three teen males were secured and safe.

Not so for Kaelan who disappeared and was not seen for a week until his body travelled seven miles down to the next town where he had enjoyed boating with his father and others over the course of his 16 years (mostly after age 8 or so before being in a kayak.)  His memorial service is on youtube with many speaking and sharing their gifts, including Skip..and Kaelan’s late grandparents Sandy and Caroline Paton of Sharon CT (and founders of Folk-Legacy Records, Inc which is now part of the Smithsonian Folkways collection.)

His body was recovered in the morning hours of Tuesday, June 23rd. We did not see his body which one psychic said he had  urgently requested in spirit  be the case.  But that was a relief to our community and a kind of reprieve of the endless questioning and search efforts that were taken by many. Ideally more people would take extra caution if ever drawn to do something like that especially by a fast-flowing river, but really anywhere. Search parties need to be organized and monitored for safety reasons and to be more effective (and not contaminate an area if blood hounds are used for instance.)

The other date I want to reverence is  Thursday, June 25th, 2009 which was eleven years ago also on this Thursday. That is the day Kaelan’s earthly body was turned into cremains (what a way to have to learn a new word…..) We barely had time to make plans but drawing on the experiences I had had with others losing a child, either younger or a bit older, a thought to have us sign a book Geronimo and write letters to him to include (mostly one at that time but plenty more since the moment he was gone and since… )

I also took a walk at the nature center where we lived and picked herbs and flowers for him and sent extra clothes to be with him even though he still had his swim trunks on. We do have a lock of his hair. Within a few weeks we held his Memorial Service as a celebration of his life at his grade school with about five hundred or more attending. I do want to give thanks to all who were involved in the many challenges and rescue and recovery efforts as well as the heartfelt outpouring of community support for both of our Palmer and Paton families.

Having grown up in these areas and reared our children here, the benefits of being part of the community were ongoing…and yet very needed in the harsher time of having to face challenges of various kinds but ever so much in managing the time of Kaelan’s passing. We hope others can draw strength and support from seeing the many people gathered for Kaelans’ service and reflecting on ways to prevent dangerous situations of many kinds. We hope everyone can be nurtured and feel like team players as part of caring communities particularly in these times.

I share more about that time and since on a post called Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton as well as other posts and letters to newspapers. Thank you for taking time to remember Kaelan along with your own heroes and loved ones here and in spirit. Peace and light as we journey on our shared path of discovery and teamwork moving into the summer of 2020 and making the most of our time on earth and our shared planet heart and spirit teams.