We sometimes need to messages to come in many forms (such as animals befriending each other when a young one needs nurturing such as a foal needing a new mom, or even grown animals becoming pals and helping each other whether we hear of such or see a photo or video). These messages can speak to our hearts to help us humans understand how deeply connected we are not only with other humans’ Did any other women feel the Big Wave of Motherhood during pregnancy and birth, holding one’s first child and/ or nursing or feeding their child–and that could work for those not birthed but still in the receptive and nurturing mode to one’s own child and even others… sometimes it helps to remember the Big Love and Faith that got us all here and consider..
.I always thought there should be huge celebration, reflection and therapeutic helping centers to acknowledge the mix of emotions, relationships and physical and life ramifications of anyone having a child or becoming a parent (by choice, default or somewhere in between.) We don’t talk about that enough. If there were more direct attention paid to the needs of various humans likely we wouldn’t need to Shop til we Drop, have til we cannot hold anymore, and eat endlessly and worry even moreso (from time to time or as it happens for most over a lifetime.) A team approach may not only be a luxury but a necessity as growing issues loom large.
What might we really have to argue about or fuss over.. life is simply a wondrous gift and an amazing one at that…(the internet helps share that feeling even if personal interactions have dwindled over the decades.) Maybe there could be more ‘wireless communal living spaces’ where No one has a cell phone, an internet access or even a CD player.. it’d be a make your own music, storytelling, radio announcements, shows and so forth zone.
Maybe people could visit for a day to see if they could survive (okay, start with One Hour..) then work up to a half day, a day and Then a couple of days and a week, etc. It could be a Time Machine theme and people could step back to an era to learn historically what existed when or a cultural trip to another place (still without technology, etc.)
Anyone have a pen and paper, an envelope and a stamp? you can bring that and still have letters posted to the outside world. Maybe write one This Month (July 2017) to see what That’s like and let a kid help to introduce them to the old fashioned e-mail…and find a person open for a (pat on the back, side hug, or light hug or handshake and try out that way of saying hello too…but again, in a safe, public context and with time to pitch the topic and see if the other person..mostly same age and gender is game for such…handshakes should be safe to start with just to honor that we all have basic needs for acknowledgement and respect…Hugs, Catherine “Pat On”.