Colorful outfits for women, men and children literally flowed out of dozens of tents at the IAAF in Brooklyn NY over the Fourth of July Weekend throug Tuesday, July 4th, 2017. Plenty of African Americans and some from African countries, islands and other countries donned their ‘African royale’ garb with complex patterns in bright oranges, blues, greens, purples and a palette of other dynamic colors..

Add to that the music from many branches of the African traditions and modern cultures from drumming, to jazz and blues, Latin Samba and singing, dance and other arts, finding their way into the crowds of thousands in a friendly calm festival and one can find oneself transported to a dreamlike experience of love and peace among people. One elder Grandpa Al of the IAAF has said, according to a felllow at the booth with a book about Oscar Rivera Lopez. Lopez is recently out of prison after being in for over a decade (see other post on that.)

Grandpa Al reportedly noted in the past that while the attendance was impressive it was homogenous, and basically felt “more Whites should attend.” That was my initial feeling and while I am basically White, I think I would have noticed that whatever race I were since I am generally in a small community that’s all the same

At a large event in a big city, I would expect to see a mix or people from a wider range of cultures. But I realize there are neighborhoods and there is a wave of ‘gentrification’ or other factors setting people up it seems in prescribed social circles for interacting across the board

. My hope would be the leaders and participants could think about what they want the festival to look like Going Forward..and not only reviewing the former times and issues that gave rise to the festival in terms of addressing imbalancees and inequalities, particularly in the realm of education..Even if serious issues are being addressed in modern times, which of course they are, why wouldn’t an invitation to people of many cultures to join forces with each cause make sense and help build bridges.

Well the final hour of the day is closing in on my eyelids. It was a warm wonderful day and I wrapped it up with the online live coverage of the Boston Pops Spectacular Fireworks (or put the Spectacular at the start of that event since the music was awesome.)

What a contrast to the people of color at the festival though in terms of dress…pure red, white and blue and everyone doing an almost choreographed sing-a-long and flag waving. I realize the Native peoples (the American Indians as some call them or refer to themselves), celebrate their own day of independence on July 3rd and do not feel compelled to join in the matter of the 4th of July.

They are an independent nation and peoples and some choose to be acknowledged as such and take strides to join together in their own gatherings and festivals and with special days meaningful to their history and current legacies. I saw a documentary called Keepers of the Game about a woman’s lacrosse team gaining acceptance and support in an uphill battle to play a traditionally male sport in high school.

There are some challenging issues and dialogues so I recommend parents and coaches preview that before showing youth. But waking more youth up to the challenges others face may embolden them to choose their path and companions more carefully.

I hope everyone got to mark the meaning for this occassion in a special way whether looking into their own personal independence, that of a family member or friend, one’s bigger family and friend circle, one’s area, state, country or world.

I debated with nice JWs (yes, Jehovah Witnesses) whether the Watch Tower really has taken care to look into what women are facing in the custody or criminal courts if they have an abusive partner. While one was very patient and articulated the main concerns I expressed, she said the WT would not want someone to stay in an abusive situation, yet could only say to do what the Bible allows.

While the Biblical grounds for divorce are fornication or adultery (sex outside of marriage), they would also see that abuse would be grounds. Getting a fair divorce is not guaranteed, including having access and custody of one’s children even though programs like Safe and Together Model, Barry Goldstein and Lundy Bancroft and many other experts with decades of experience advocate for mothers to be protected.

Sadly the corruption and ignorance in the courts and many other facets of society have their own show fine tuned such that even if an abuser were able to see the light and step back he’d likely be coached to ‘play his hand to his benefit’. There’s a huge industry riding on Fathers Gaining Custody if not sole then primary.

There are an array of programs and people working toward positive efforts such as or Lionheart Foundation along with the BMCC, Battered Mothers Custody Conference.

There are peacemakers on many fronts, but many more people are needed to help the tides rise and educate the younger women who are most vulnerable for the kinds of difficult to catch them unaware..even if they are smart, have a faith group and many friends over the years.

Abuse is a slippery snake kind of thing wriggling its way into the hearts and minds of many people and numbiing (and dumbing) far more along the way, basically rendering them paralyzed with no way to communicate other than to blink “once’ for yes or ‘twice’ for no.

And that doesn’t go far in court. Even victims are likely in a FOG (fear, obligation, guilt) mode and cannot figure out What Has Happened, What Is Happening, What Will Happen likely or What they Should do about any of it.

Okay, so these are many more questions than answer but like a batch of fireworks, they are lighting up people’s lives, especially in the dark of ignorance and fear…so why not fight that with learning together and changing the dynamic to one of support and inquiry such as on The Duluth Model for  a Collaborative Community Response.

There are great leaders and millions of brave victims who can help transform the climate to one of empowerment and informed consent when it comes to relationships, living situations, work and school environments, faith and social dynamics. Sounds Dyno-mite, right? Right!! Ka-Boom!!