How can one blog address an array of topics, from the personal to the political, sometimes local and national to even global (and beyond..yes, talking about the nature of time, life, multiple lifetimes vs Yolo (you only live once) and questioning ‘what happens in the great beyond’).
Striking up a conversation on an important or even easy-does-it topic is not easy to do in person, and really few people have ways to meet folks ‘outside their circle’. We all have some biases (and may be blinded to seeing in a more comprehensive manner by our biases).
Read any post leisurely a bit at a time, and come back to read the rest or add a comment.
Consider how the insights and PLANS may be helpful in your area and wider circles. Some issues are affecting rural or urban areas (think of declining enrollments in schools and fewer residents in towns while by 2050 half of US-All may live in urban areas ‘by choice’). How about collaboratively making PLANS for each age and stage of life for people to voluntarily implement. PLANS can mean People (parents, people, politicians and partnerships) and places Living, Learning, Loving and Leaving with Agreements and Allies through Networks and Negotiations via Schools, Society, Socializing and Sharing.
Thanks for tuning in and sharing posts as you can to help ‘spread the words to put down the swords’ not only against others but against ourselves. The expanding use of prescription and illegal drugs and alcohol to ‘self-medicate’ is a costly growing syndrome in many countries. Families need support, however they are configured. Youth need guidance and care from the earliest years (including support for pregnant women and expectant fathers as well). Weaving a web of care can be an ongoing effort for everyone not unlike securing more people internet access to the world wide web.
(I typed that as world Wise web and I’ll keep that as a message from this friendly community computer at the library and the universe.) Enjoy posts on Permaculture, Ways to Celebrate Seasons of the Year and of Life and of Our Times together on plan-it Heart aka Earth (same letters, but more focus on the 8 billion hearts beating in our bodies along with the animals, and other living creatures, plants, land and water we are fortunate to call our collective Home.) Thanks for doing all you do and for keeping an eye out for somebuddy else as you can short-term or longer.
More teamwork can make the game of life, safety and well-being nicer to play, not unlike in sports where teamwork is key to having a good game and winning or doing one’s best. Bring your A-Game to Livfully, to Greeting Each Day, Week, Month and Year and share good ideas freely here and in your circles as you can. Many creatures, causes, kids and collectives are counting on US-All doing our part.